The core of Destiny 2 will be free to play with the new versions of Shadowkeep DLC


Bungie radically rethinks how Destiny 2 works. The developer finally adopts its MMO elements and changes a variety of things: deleting proprietary content to the platform, selling future extensions to the map and even offering an important part of the game for free to all players. Bungie announced that, coinciding with the September 17 publication of the new Shadowkeep DLChe will launch something called Destiny 2: New Light. This is a totally free version of the game that includes the basic game and some of its extensions. It will be available on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Google Stadia.

Bungie announced Thursday the broadcast of a livestream unveiling its expansion in anticipation of E3 2019, the first since its split with its former publishing partner, Activision. New Light, free game, includes all the content of the game of the first year. This means that the vanilla version of Destiny 2 with its original raid, as well as its first two content extensions, Curse of Osiris and Warmind, are part of the free package.

You will still have to pay for the Forsaken extension and the annual pass, which includes three small drops of content, which followed. You will however be able to visit the sites added to Forsaken; the downloadable content itself will have to be purchased if you wish to play its campaign, however. Forsaken and the initial annual pass will be sold in lots for $ 40.

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Here is Bungie's full description of the new light of her press release:

"Destiny 2: New Light: In addition to Destiny 2: Shadowkeep, players can enjoy the game in new ways Destiny 2: New Light is a new entry point for newcomers – fashions, activities and rewards – in between hands of all players, without any barriers to enter.With Destiny 2: New Light, everyone can play Destiny 2 and the model to the map of Destiny 2: Shadowkeep is the first seeks to provide you with content in the future . "

The press release also states that Shadowkeep is a stand-alone extension, which means you do not need to have any previous Destiny 2 content to read it. This is a big change from the model previously used by the game. Each new extension in Destiny 1 and Destiny 2 also required players to own all the content of the previous extension. Shadowkeep will be priced at $ 35 in the United States.

The price of the entry has probably diverted many unused players back to the game. Bungie has been trying to mitigate this fact over the last year by offering the base game Destiny 2 for free for a short time. time, on PC and via PlayStation Plus. New Light and stand-alone extensions seem to be an additional development of the idea of ​​making it easier for players to return to play, even if they lack content along the way.

Bungie also announced that Destiny 2 supports cross-backups on all platforms, starting with Shadowkeep – Xbox One, PS4, PC and Google's Stadia. What is not quite clear right now is how you are going to access paid content on multiple platforms and if you will have to buy these things more than once.

It also marks the end of exclusive Destiny 2 content for certain platforms. Until now, PlayStation 4 players have benefited from additional weapons, missions and multiplayer cards that were not available to other players, but Shadowkeep puts an end to this. Bungie's press release says all of these changes are part of its initiative to allow Destiny 2 to be played "anytime, anywhere."


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