If our nation changes, so do we. Queens and the Bronx: Vote for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on June 26th. Learn more about
We do not need to wait a hundred years for obtaining a Medicare-for-all, a public tuition-free college, a guarantee of money, and a health insurance policy. federal employment or criminal justice reform. We can do it now, and we can do it without companies' money. Join our movement doing what you can:
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Rise! We need you in Texas.
Socialism utopia no thanks ????
Congratulations on winning my first time seeing this video and I nodded my head in agreement with everything you said Good Luck in Washington DC….. NewYorker in Texas
Hi Ms Ocasio-Cortez!!!!!!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!! Support from Ireland!!!!!!!
I love her!! She gives me HOPE… I support her 1000%, spread the word!
WTH, zip code determines no survival. How hell do they accept that as only one City & not our World. How can we even remotely feel comfortable with applying the many luxuries afforded as Americans to an Open Air Prison such as West Bank or Gaza? They related to that as picking her. Well Great job Alexandria Occasion Cortez . Thank Goddess, Alexandria Occasion Cortez for winning. As well her supporters staff, friends, families, especially you enemies. She couldn't won without you're none support. Once my Baby Mothers issues resolve. Will enjoy a Corporation donations. As a society leader, look forward our Healthcare as well as Common sense Education partnership, @Dena.
My wish for you Alexandria, is you can champion the causes and be that voice that the other "New Yorkers" the ones struggling to make ends meet, can finally have a voice they understand in Congress. My other wish is that the process and policial machine doesn't change you and just give into the political bullshit…. Good luck….
My God that is inspirational!
Haha. Just what we need. A socialist in our country. GO HOME
I see you
Are you aware that I.C.E. doesn't separate children from families, that is the U.S. Border Patrol, you seem to have an issue getting your facts straight, explains why you're a Socialist / Communist, your delusional ideas are the greatest gift the GOP could have ever wished for.
Congratulations, Alexandria. Vamanos! And, racist posters, your stupidity and hatred glows like the self-destructive toxin it is.
Wow. nice video.But breibart blew up the fact she grew up wealthy.
The best part of the ad was when she went from her natural yuppie white girl accent to just got off the Jet Blue plane from San Juan.
Oops, she's caught lying again https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-06-29/girl-bronx-ocasio-cortez-called-out-fact-check-actually-grew-wealthy-enclave
Another moron preaching for free college, free healthcare. Nothing is free dip shit, taxpayers would be on the hook that!
Congratulations Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez! You are inspiring!
A glimmer of hope for our shitty country.
just one word……………………………………….INSPIRED!
Join with bernie Sanders’s, you and him have similar views and the young voters of the future shall support you both. Its about time god put someone like you to represent our voices unheard. Congratulations keep up the good work!!!!
Political courage. The work continues. Love from Nairobi, Kenya.
President Cortez 2028
Congratulations on your win, one of our big newspapers in my home country Austria did a profile on you after your great win, that shows how much you inspire people far away from NY 14!
Congratulations from Ottawa, Canada!
This is a damn good political ad, she nailed it. Democrats need to use this as a model going forward.
You are a communist
Fact Check: ‘Girl from the Bronx’ Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Grew Up in One of Richest U.S. Counties
29 June 2018
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (1990-), the Democratic Party’s rising socialist star, describes herself as “a girl from the Bronx” to project a working-class image. However, this claim is only half true – to borrow a phrase from the left-wing website PolitiFact.
“Well, you know, the president is from Queens, and with all due respect — half of my district is from Queens — I don’t think he knows how to deal with a girl from the Bronx,” Ocasio-Cortez said this week on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert.
She similarly told the Washington Post: “I wasn’t born to a wealthy or powerful family — mother from Puerto Rico, dad from the South Bronx (370 Brook Avenue, apartment 2E, Bronx, NY 10454). I was born in a place where your Zip code determines your destiny.”
The congressional candidate, who pulled off an upset win against high-ranking establishment Rep. Joe Crowley (D-NY), was indeed born in New York City’s Bronx borough. She currently lives there, too.
So what’s the issue? For most of her formative years, Ocasio-Cortez was actually raised in one of the United States’ wealthiest counties.
Around the age of five, Alexandria’s architect father Sergio R. Ocasio (1960-) sergio.ocasio@yahoo.com moved the family from the “planned community” of Parkchester in the Bronx to a home at 1965 Longvue Street, Yorktown Heights, New York 10598 a wealthy suburb in Westchester County. The New York Times describes her childhood home as “a modest two-bedroom house on a quiet street.” In a 1999 profile of the area, when Ocasio-Cortez would have been ten years old, the Times lauded Yorktown Heights’ “diversity of housing in a scenic setting” – complete with two golf courses.
The paper quoted Linda Cooper, the town supervisor, describing Yorktown as ”a folksy area where people can come, kick off their shoes, wander around, sit in a cafe, listen to a concert in the park, or go to the theater.”
In a fun coincidence, Yorktown, which contains Yorktown Heights, is also home to a 436-acre state park named after – yes, one Donald J. Trump.
After high school, Ocasio-Cortez studied international relations and economics at Boston University and worked for Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (D-MA). Only after college did Ocasio-Cortez return to the Parkchester complex, where she launched Brook Avenue Press, a publishing group aimed at improving the public image of the Bronx.
Westchester County – which the Washington Post, in a glowing profile on Ocasio-Cortez, describes as only “middle class” – ranks #8 in the nation for the counties with the “highest average incomes among the wealthiest one percent of residents.” According to the Economic Policy Institute, the county’s average annual income of the top 1% is a staggering $4,326,049.
Yorktown Heights, specifically, offers a sharp contrast from Bronx living. According to USA.com, the town’s population is 81 percent white, and median household income is $96,413 – nearly double the average for both New York state and the nation, according to data from 2010-2014.
The 28-year-old’s far-left platform includes abolishing ICE, universal guaranteed employment, and Medicare for all. In an interview with CNN, Ocasio-Cortez said she supports impeaching President Trump, despite warnings from Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) to avoid the issue.
Fuck this commietard cunt
I love her. She’s so right. I love the fact that she’s taking the same route I took living in parkchester, heading to work in my flats and changing to my heels. (It’s so surreal). She wants to see change in communities that are still ignored. Rent is tripling by the day to clearly unaffordable amounts. The likes of our Mayor and his dem supporters are financially benefiting from rezoning poor neighborhoods and allowing gentrifiers to build over-priced condos in the “hood.” It’s so hard trying to live as a working class New Yorker. I’m glad she’s from the community and see the needs first-hand. Good job, Alexandria!
Congrats! So good to see.
You are amazing. I'm so proud of you. Support and love from far and beyond.
Democrats say that the government have to give help to people, Republicans say the same but only if you deserve it…….Which side are you in?
Now, she should be the interviewing people who want to give her money….not vice versa
We need you in San Diego!!! ?
such a contrived ad! free free free free free free free!! what should be be paid for then? if college is free??? why not driving school?? why not a pilates class??? free should be free on everything
Goosebumbs. Go get em. Much love and respect from Australia. I am cheering you and your policital courage. God speed
dems have controlled ny for years! just like san francisco!! remember when they told you that liberalism would save the world??? now it wont and these socialists want you to believe they will save the world??????????????? btw her new gig will pay her a lot more than you! is that fair?
Thank you for your inspiring message !!!