The COVID technology that dominated CES 2021


With virtual kiosks and digital portals replacing rooms and showcases at convention centers, CES during the coronavirus era looked different. Just like a part of the technology.

COVID-oriented technology products stood out at this year’s CES. Some brands launched new products designed for the pandemic, others found that the items they had worked on from the start now had new applications and relevance.

But is “COVID technology” really necessary? After all, the best way to slow the spread of the virus is to practice social distancing and wear a face mask, which can be as simple as a bandana or an old repurposed t-shirt – basically low-tech strategies.

“I think most of what I would have seen there was indeed intended to solve a real and current use case related to COVID; it wasn’t just about marketing, ”said Jason Cottrell, CEO of software studio and product development company MyPlanet.

MyPlanet works with companies to develop new products and studies consumer attitudes towards emerging technologies. Cottrell has found that the strategy of many brands embarking on COVID technology has been to modify, reuse, or add new features to existing products, such as adding contact tracing capabilities to smartphones. Surveys of businesses have shown that consumers are not as enthusiastic about specific COVID technology in general, but have found greater utility for certain futuristic products, such as autonomous delivery robots.

“Product managers and entrepreneurs were very, very actively trying to create products that could meet a need in the market depending on how things were going and what people needed,” Cottrell said.

There were three main categories of COVID-related technologies at CES: masks with smart features or electronic add-ons; a plethora of disinfectants and purifiers for everywhere, from the airport to your smartphone; and social distancing technology. Some are still concepts and not yet actual products, but you can buy a lot of them right now.

CES is always going to bring out what’s most ridiculous about product development – that’s part of what makes it fun. It is up to you to decide whether “over-the-top techno” jives with “pandemic” in these products.

Here’s what we saw in COVID technology at CES 2021.

“ Smart ” masks

Some masks are smarter than others.

AirPop Active + Halo

Protecting against both environmental factors (such as smog or soot) and pathogens (such as coronavirus), this true “smart mask” monitors your breathing and the quality of the air you inhale, and even tells you when it’s time to change the filter on your one-time use.

According to our account, the smartest of the smart masks.

According to our account, the smartest of the smart masks.

It will be available this month online for $ 149.99, and you can read more about the mask and read Mashable’s interview with the company founder here.


Simple yet useful, the Maskfone integrates bluetooth headphones and a microphone into one mask, reducing the need to juggle multiple gadgets and accessories at once.

Now this is what you call a puffy mask.

Now this is what you call a puffy mask.

It’s a cloth mask with replaceable filters, and you can buy it now for $ 49.99 plus a 5-pack of filters for $ 19.99.

Razer ‘Project Hazel’

Gaming and lifestyle equipment company Razer has launched a smart mask concept called Project Hazel. It’s not a real product yet, but while it’s still in the R&D stage it’s pretty cool – it’s transparent so you can see the wearer’s mouth, comes with voice amplification and lights up when it is dark so you can see the person’s face. Plus, it’s tricked with optional neon lighting effects.

The most suitable mask from CES, that's for sure.

The most suitable mask from CES, that’s for sure.

LG PuriCare Portable Air Purifier

Want to wear an electronic air purifier on your face? Now you can! As long as you are in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Iraq. Electronics giant LG showcased a mask that includes air purifiers, HEPA filters, a respiratory sensor (which monitors breathing) and “dual ventilators”. According to , it will soon be available in other countries.

Airsafe Insurance

Pros: This new laptop with HEPA filter lets people see your face when talking to them through its transparent shield. Cons: It’s a dang helmet.

The AirSafe says it only lets in good air.

The AirSafe says it only lets in good air.

The Airsafe uses filter systems, fans and air pressure to prevent unfiltered air from entering your breathing zone. The company says anyone interested in donning the device can place orders through a crowdfunding campaign in February with delivery in March or April (they have yet to release pricing).

Purifiers and disinfectants

UV sanitizers, sleek, portable air filters, and other ways to sanitize your space (and yourself) were all the rage at CES 2021. There were too many to list them all, but here are a few. that stood out.

Unipin’s UVC disinfection robot

For the lazy cleaning slackers among us, this is the cleaning robot of your dreams. It cleans both surfaces and air and can intelligently trace a course around a space.

Unfortunately, its * starting price * is $ 7,500. It is more of a product for industrial or commercial spaces than for the home.

ClearAirZone Biologically Based Air Purifier

This company uses a “green” cleaning method that it claims protects against COVID. Rather than requiring filters (which cause waste) or chemicals, its cleaning formula combines enzymes, biologics and water to clean the environment. It’s a simple and attractive device that only requires refills of this exclusive formula. A representative said he has yet to announce pricing information, but the company expects to be in the market this summer.

LG PuriCare ™ Mini Air Purifier

This 8 inch long air purifier is so small that it comes with a strap so you can wear it on your wrist. You can even control it and see stats using an app on your phone.

Never leave without your personalized air purifier!

Never leave without your personalized air purifier!

This is an air purifier, so it is intended to filter allergens from the air, not pathogens like coronavirus. However, the EPA says that an air purifier “can help reduce air contaminants, including viruses in a home,” although it should not replace social distancing and wearing a mask. The mini filter is available for $ 199.99

Social distancing technology

Don’t stay, don’t stay, don’t stay so close to me.

BioButton Covid-19 screening solution

The BiolIntelliSense company says monitoring COVID is as easy as slapping a sticker. The BioButton is a quarter size sticker that can continuously monitor the wearer’s heart rate, temperature and respiratory rate; continuous monitoring facilitates the detection of deviations.

The BioButton packs a big punch in a small package.

The BioButton packs a big punch in a small package.

It connects to a smartphone app, where users get tested every morning to ask about other symptoms. The entire system is an “FDA approved medical grade laptop.” Since it is about monitoring a group of people, it is not a product for consumers; Interested parties can request a demo on the BioIntelliSense website.

Smartspace Insurance

This is another device intended for use in a community setting. The “badge” is like a small card that can detect other cards around it. It is intended for use in schools, retirement communities, and other high density communities. It will beep if a person with a card gets too close, and also provides contact tracing information to admins. It costs $ 99.

iWavenology iDistance

The iDistance can be worn as a badge, collar, or other customizable wearable accessory to keep people from getting too close to each other and to track interactions. He says its ultra-wideband signal, which devices use to communicate with each other, is more accurate than Bluetooth. Beep beep!

Plott Ettie temperature-sensing doorbell

And you thought the Ring bells were curious! This Ettie smart doorbell from Plott can take the temperature of anyone at the door.

Who's there?

Who’s there?

While a fever is not a sure-fire way to detect COVID-19, it is a symptom and a common way businesses and other organizations filter out before entering a space. It also tracks the number of people entering a space and can notify the owner when a space has reached capacity.


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