The CPAC organizer vehemently denies that the stage was designed to resemble the Nazi symbol.


Matt Schlapp, the leader of the American Conservative Union that hosts the Conservative Political Action Conference, pushes back those who said the scene of the Orlando event is eerily recalls a nazi symbol. “Scenography plots are scandalous and slanderous”, Schlapp tweeted. He went on to say that “CPAC is proud to support our Jewish allies.”

The fact that Schlapp felt the need to comment on the question illustrates how pervasive comparisons have become. social media as much emphasized that the shape of the stage looked like a nazi symbol. Specifically, many have said that the scene resembles a version of the Odal rune, also known as the Othala rune. The symbol dates back centuries, but was also used by some Nazi SS divisions during WWII. The symbol appeared on the uniforms of some Nazi soldiers.

Some social media users shared photos who compared the CPAC scene to old uniforms, illustrating the resemblance. The Anti-Defamation League pointed out that after World War II the symbol became commonly used among white supremacists. and neo-nazis in Europe and North America.


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