The creator of Minecraft, Notch, is not welcome to the 10th anniversary because of online behavior


<img src = "×426.png" alt = "All Minecraft worst nightmare of the player. "/>

Each Minecraft worst nightmare of the player.

Blocky sandbox game Minecraft is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year and Microsoft plans to celebrate it with a press event at the Mojang studio in Stockholm on May 17th. But according to Variety, a remarkable person will not be there: Markus "Notch" Persson, who sold the game that he created and the company he created for Microsoft in 2014 for 2.5 billion dollars.

This is not a coincidence. A Microsoft spokesman told Variety that the reason for his exclusion was the "comments and opinions" expressed by Persson on Twitter, stating that they "do not reflect those of Microsoft or Mojang, and are not representative of Minecraft. "

In March, a number of references to Persson were removed from the game. Microsoft made no statement at the time, but it is thought that it is for the same reason.

Since he's become a billionaire, Persson has gained a bad reputation. Shortly before the removal of the references in the game, he made tweets favorable to the family: "I would prefer to be a fascist cat than to have a female cock" (even if it was deleted later). Pizzagate and QAnon conspiracy theories. He has spread the false claim that people are fined for "using bad pronouns" to refer to transsexuals. Persson also tweeted right slogans such as "It's good to be white, "and he said that anyone who recognizes systemic racial prejudices and imbalance within Western society is racist. In 2017, he tweeted: "If you're against the concept of a #HeterosexualPrideDay, you're a fucking fool and you deserve to be shot," although that was also deleted afterwards.

Persson's name can still be found in the credits of the game, but this seems to be the full extent of the association that Microsoft wants to have with him.


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