‘The Crown’ Season 4 preview: Princess Diana, Margaret Thatcher


Prince Charles and Princess Diana’s wedding day looked like a fairy tale come true … but The crown is about to reveal the hard truth behind all this glamor.

Season 4 of Netflix’s royal drama (premiering this Sunday, November 15 on the streamer) covers Queen Elizabeth II’s reign from 1979 to 1990, which features Charles’s whirlwind romance with Diana Spencer, played by the new addition of the cast Emma Corrin. But as millions of people around the world cheered on the couple on their 1981 wedding, The crown doesn’t shy away from the serious challenges the couple have faced from the very beginning, says writer / executive producer Peter Morgan. “It’s very hard to write down the innocent start of a relationship when you know how tragically it ended and how unhappy they’ve been throughout that relationship.”

Crown Princess Diana Season 4 Episode 2Diana fits in surprisingly well with Charles’ family right away, but she and Charles hit some major bumps in the road before they even walked down the driveway – Charles still sees her old flame Camilla Parker Bowles, from a leaves – and Diana ends up feeling isolated and alone, with bouts of bulimia. The Charles we see in season 4 is “a man desperately trying to get out of this mess,” admits star Josh O’Connor; he’s motivated by the duty to marry a woman he’s not quite sure he wants, and he and Diana pay the price. “They are two very lost souls… They both needed something they couldn’t give to each other, and it didn’t work.

But the world is quickly embracing Diana – she was known as “the People’s Princess,” after all – and the contrast between that public adulation and her private conflicts is at the heart of Diana’s season 4 journey, Corrin believes. “She has always balanced different aspects of herself. She was able to radiate that brilliance and compassion that we all fell in love with, even when she was in pain. Eventually, however, we see Diana “growing up, becoming a woman, discovering who she is, her sense of self and her voice,” Corrin promises.

The Crown Season 4 Gillian Anderson Margaret ThatcherHowever, she’s not the only addition to Season 4. The X-Files Star Gillian Anderson also joins the cast as controversial British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, who oversaw a particularly tumultuous time in British history… and had an icy relationship with Queen Elizabeth. “At first glance, Elizabeth and Margaret should get along,” star Olivia Colman notes. “They are the same age, have the same drive, the same dedication to their father, the same work ethic. But yet they don’t. It’s not the beautiful friendship the Queen hopes it is going to be at the start. (Anderson, however, was “amazing to work with,” Colman rejoices. “Every once in a while I got a good chill, she looked so much like the real thing.”)

Thatcher has the utmost respect for the Queen and the Monarchy, but in terms of personality types, she and Elizabeth turn out to be polar opposites, Anderson hints: “Where the Queen leans back, Thatcher leans back. Where the Queen remains mum, Thatcher makes her views very clear. Where the Queen does nothing, Thatcher takes action. And these actions lead to some serious showdown between the two … just one of the duos dueling on tap for The crownthe next chapter.

Tell us, The crown Fans: Are you more excited to see Princess Diana or Margaret Thatcher in season 4?


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