The Destiny 2 Five Year Plan probably means that Destiny 3 is far


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While Destiny 2 was preparing for the release of Shadowkeep, developer Bungie exposed what would happen in the first-person shooter MMO. Destiny 2's five-year plan is underway – and it really begins when Shadowkeep comes out in October. It probably means that Destiny 3, if that happens, is in years. In the meantime, here's how the Guardians can expect Destiny 2's current updates to work.

Various Bungie developers – including game director Luke Smith, community leader Eric Osborne, production director Justin Truman and more – talked about their vision of Destiny 2 with Shadowkeep and beyond in a new video. Bungie is investing in a major redesign of the looter shooter system. Everything changes: armor, enemies, missions and even the game world itself. The studio said it wants to "build Destiny for its fans [and] people who like it. "

Everything is changing

The director Luke Smith started the video stating that he wanted to build a world in which all your actions are advancing the universe significantly. To achieve this goal, Smith said Shadowkeep was the "first step" for Bungie to build the world he envisions for Guardians. Shadowkeep will remind you of the Moon, an important place in Destiny that has undergone dreadful changes. Community leader, Eric Osborne, explained that part of the game is to understand what has changed the moon and why, and what the avant-garde fighter Eris Morn discovered on or in this one. Whatever the discovery, according to Osborne, this will have dramatic consequences on the world of Destiny, perhaps going until March 2020, until this time of next year. and beyond. But going back to the moon will cause nightmares that manifest as enemies of the past.

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Shadowkeep does not only present a new suite of missions and raids. It also changes the way you play Destiny 2, according to production director Justin Truman. The studio then went on to talk about armor, which sees a radical overhaul of Shadowkeep. Armor 2.0, at the base, is to make every character slot count. Statistics are back in the character screen, finishers have mods that affect their properties, and more. In addition, Shadowkeep will introduce a multitude of new weapons, ranging from seasonal equipment to Shadowkeep equipment and some of them that shine when nightmares unfold nearby. Smith says that Shadowkeep will allow you to "build your character in your own way".

More ways to play

With Shadowkeep, Bungie has evolved into managing her season ticket. The studio focuses more on how the seasons connect and connect with each other to create a more consistent narrative about the entire Destiny 2. The studio wants to tell a "continuous story" that poses and responds to questions, starting with Shadowkeep.

Production Manager Matt Zitterman explained that every time you connect to Destiny 2, you play a new way of playing through the seasons. Each system – from seasonal rank to artifact – is "designed to make the game more appealing as a character building game," according to Zitterman. The Artifact, an infinite power, will give you the tools you need to defeat the tougher new enemies of Destiny 2, the Champions, as well as the new Nightfall modes. With the introduction of Artifact, the final phase will soon be to elevate your character so that you can take on the toughest challenges of Destiny 2.

Resumption of familiarity

Having a "healthier PvP game" is one of Bungie's priorities in the five-year plan. This includes the rendering of original Destiny cards – such as Fragment and Widow's Short – to relocate Elimination in Crucible's rotating game modes, and more. Each week, different iterations will be proposed on the game modes. Bungie will look for the reactions of the players to make improvements.

Bungie also wants Destiny 2 to have one world in evolution. The Season of the Undying sees the Vex invading the Moon and the kickoff of the first act of the third year is given. From there, Destiny 2 will see a host of new content, including new raids, nightmarish hunts, exotic quests and "so much more, no matter who you are," said Osborne. Creating a unique and evolving world is "one of the biggest changes" of Destiny 2. All of these changes follow the split of Activision and Bungie earlier this year, while the FPS developer introduces the 39, scope and scope of his vision for Destiny 2.

Shadowkeep should be released on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on October 1 st. Destiny 2 will be a throw-of-the-day game on the first day when the Google Stadia comes out in November.


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