The Destiny 2 video reveals Bungie's plans for the post-Shadowkeep seasons


With Destiny 2: Guarding shadows In just two weeks, Bungie revealed on Tuesday a new video detailing its plans for future content. This developer newspaper focuses on the story Shadow guard begins, and the conclusion that will appear in Destiny next year.

Bungie will start a new story of destiny with Shadow guardsaid the studio in the video. The story focuses on something that the character back, Eris Morn, discovers on the moon. Through the season of the eternal – which is parallel to Shadow guard – Bungie will twist history and solve a little bit later this year. This resolution will cause the players in season 9.

We do not know anything about seasons 9 to 11 at this time, apart from the fact that each of them will evolve Shadow guard story in a new way. And Bungie promised that it would bring a conclusion to the story of Season 11, something the studio has never done so far.

Based on the developer's interview in the video, the cycle will start again with season 12 and the next Destiny expansion. Each year of Destiny 2 will look like the previous year: a new expansion in the fall and four seasons of content after the expansion. The goal is to keep players engaged throughout the year – both with new rewards and a story that connects the seasons to each other.

But now that Bungie is independent and totally controls Destiny, he notes that this plan could change depending on the reactions of the fans.

For cool photos of the Moon's position, new weapons, and the new dungeon, see the ViDoc link above. Bungie will release destiny 2: Keep shadows October 1 on PlayStation 4, Windows PC and Xbox One. The studio will release the Google Stadia version later this year.


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