The developer of Mortal Kombat 11 claims to have "extremely graphic dreams" leading to therapy and diagnosis of post-traumatic stress


The stories surrounding the development of Mortal Kombat 11 only worsen. After several reports on the mismanagement of NetherRealm, another anonymous developer of the game is introduced to share his story. Although they have no information about the aforementioned misconduct, they share what it was like to work day after day on such an appalling game.

"I would make those dreams extremely graphic, very violent. I somehow just stopped wanting to sleep, so I kept myself awake for days to avoid sleeping. You walk around the office and one guy watches hangings on YouTube, another looks at pictures of murder victims, another looks at a video of a slain cow. The scary part has always been the point at which new people participating in the project got used to it. And I really reached this point. "

This particular employee ended up consulting a therapist to help him realize those dreams. The therapist eventually diagnosed PTSD because of his surroundings and his immersion in violent images for much of the day. Shortly after the diagnosis, this employee learned that other staff members were experiencing similar experiences.

The publisher Warner Bros. Games and the developer NetherRealm refused to comment on the case.


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