The developers of the famous Skyrim Enderal mod have just made their way to the big leagues


In 2016, a team of modders released a game they developed in their spare time to almost universal acclaim – a mod for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim which they called Enderal, with its own 30+ hour quest with original dialogue and professional voice acting. “[ThisisthemostfunthatIhavehadinanElderScrollsgameinyears”wroteoursistersite[It’sthemostfunI’vehadinanElderScrollsgameinyears”wroteoursistersite[C’estleplusamusantquej’aieudansunjeuElderScrollsdepuisdesannées»aécritnotresitesœur[It’sthemostfunI’vehadinanElderScrollsgameinyears”wroteoursistersitePolygon. This is the highest rated Skyrim mod of all time at ModDB, has nearly 500,000 downloads on NexusMods and its own Steam page filled with rave reviews.

Now its developers are getting into the creation of their own game. On Sunday, the SureAI team released their final patch for Enderal, explaining that they didn’t have so much free time to keep up with development – because they is working on “a new business project which will hopefully be announced this year”.

They didn’t leave a clue as to what kind of game it might be – we checked the team’s social media accounts, Discord, etc. – but it would be surprising if it wasn’t based on swords and witchcraft. they modify since Morrowind.

Whether you’re a fan or not (I admit I’ve never played), it’s always refreshing to see talented game developers take the leap. As you probably know, some of the most popular games in the world started out as mods: Counter strike, DOTA and PUBG started as revisions for Half life, WarCraft III and Weapon 2 respectively, as did the likes of Dear Esther, DayZ and Stanley’s parable. Developers of popular mods like Darthmod for Total war have also entered the industry.

These moves don’t always work the way everyone might hope: the developers of Battlefield 1942 bought the team behind the Desert Combat mod (my favorite) in 2004 to help work on similar themes Battlefield 2, only to shut them down just before the game was shipped and refuse to pay the $ 200,000 he owed.


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