The dismantling of the Galaxy Fold gives us an overview of its complexity


This disassembly is not an iFixit precision job, but if you just want to see which parts and what dust hold the Galaxy Fold, images of a seemingly erased Weibo ticket can help. Unsurprisingly, for a new first-generation device, the design seems incredibly complex and highlights some of the points of failure that may have led to the rapid destruction of the revision units.

according to GSM Arena, the original poster indicated that the 7.3-inch flexible display was "rubber-like" when removed, although they "broke" the Fold's small external display while disassembling it. The mechanism of the hinge seems quite complicated with watch-shaped gears, and look inside where the ribbon cables cross the seal supposed to contain hundreds of thousands of bends. Other interesting features include its indoor and outdoor cameras, as well as two separate batteries.


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