The East is a Beast and the West is a crop tour from headlining professional growers in Ohio and South Dakota – Agweb Powered by Farm Journal


  1. East is a Beast and West is a Wildcard-leading farm crop tour of Ohio and South DakotaAgweb powered by Farm Journal
  2. Take a virtual tour to see what the Scouts of the Pro Farmer Crop Tour saw in Ohio and South DakotaAgweb powered by Farm Journal
  3. rows | August 16, 2021 – Brian Grete (East)Agweb powered by Farm Journal
  4. As the Boy Scouts embark on the tour of professional agricultural producers, there is a big wildcard this yearAgweb powered by Farm Journal
  5. Here’s why crop tour results are different from Pro Farmer’s final yield and production estimatesAgweb powered by Farm Journal
  6. See full coverage on Google News


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