The Elder Scrolls 6 city changes have a lot of potential


Todd Howard claims that the cities of The Elder Scrolls 6 will be bigger than in previous installments, which could be great news for the new game.

Todd Howard claimed in an interview with Brighton Digital 2020 that The Elder Scrolls 6 will have major cities larger than those in previous Bethesda titles. This will be hugely welcome news for many fans of the series, with some SkyrimWith the towns being so small that they only had 20 inhabitants, a huge and revolutionary difference between their rendering in the game and their descriptions in lore and in the dialogue of the NPCs.

Developing more realistic-sized medieval-style towns could be the key to the success of The Elder Scrolls 6. With few big cities recently Old scrolls games outside OversightImperial City itself, the creation of city centers in the next game could create a plethora of role-playing opportunities that just weren’t available in previous titles. To see to what extent Ancient scrolls could benefit from larger cities, players only have to look at some of the key city questlines Skyrim and how their ambitious premises were limited by the reach of their cadre.

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Skyrim Cities

Skyrim ‘towns are small. They look much more like forts than any actual medieval town, they have almost no expansion beyond their walls, they have almost no agriculture, and there is a disappointing disparity. between how we talk about it in the game and what the players see. Nazeem in Whiterun, for example, will sadly ask players if they visit the Cloud District very often. It’s not particularly immersive, even as an act of snobbery when the Cloud Quarter is made up of a single building that can be reached by running for about 30 seconds away from the entrance to town.

Some towns of Skyrim work better than others. Despite their sizes, towns like Riften, Solitude, Whiterun, Markarth, and Windhelm all have distinct cultures, architectural styles, and local issues ranging from thieves to protect corruption, from werewolves to vampires. Small towns like Falkreath, Morthal and Dawnstar, however, are made up of a few similar looking houses and have very few NCPs living there. Some mods like JK’s Skyrim have done a great job of distinguishing the local aesthetic of these locations and making those areas more dense, but the portion of Bethesda is still too small to be truly immersive.

Cities and Stories in Elder Scrolls Games

This negatively affects some of the best stories told in Skyrimcities too. Blood on the Ice, for example, is a great questline that begins in Windhelm where the player suddenly finds himself cast into the role of a black detective, on the hunt for a mysterious serial killer in the dark streets and alleys of Windhelm. . The problem is that Windhelm is only made up of about 4 streets and two lanes. The sense of scale of mystery is undermined and it’s hard to imagine how such a small area could see a serial killer get away with anything.

Other areas like the Gray Quarter are said to be home to Dunmer’s segregated population of the city, and yet instead of feeling like a fully fleshed out neighborhood with its own culture, the Gray Quarter is a single road with Morrowind flags hanging from it. to its buildings. Part of the problem is that the lore presented to players is truly inviting and exciting, which unfortunately highlights the inability of games to bring that lore to life in its cities. SkyrimThe Skyrim City problem also makes a number on the effectiveness of its Skyrim Civil War questline. The sieges become raids of twenty men that last 10 minutes and determine the fate of the province.

Having bigger cities could be great news for the types of stories that The Elder Scrolls 6 is able to tell. Stories like Blood on the Ice that attempt to lean into the urban setting could fully flourish in real big cities where players could truly discover hidden areas, investigate clearly demarcated neighborhoods, and could realistically believe that they are in a dense environment. center where a single person can go unnoticed.

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The Elder Scrolls 6: Cities and Role Playing

It could also allow the diversity of different cities to flourish in terms of architectural styles. Yes The Elder Scrolls 6 takes place at least partially in Hammerfell as some rumors have suggested, players might be able to explore areas of certain cities that have significant Elven or Orc presence. These demographics could be reflected in the design of fully populated neighborhoods in a way that areas like the Gray Quarter could not reach due to their small size. The difference between a city’s slums and its wealthy neighborhoods might seem much more pronounced than in Skyrimcities where these districts are still only a few meters from each other.

But above all, by creating much bigger cities The Elder Scrolls 6, Bethesda opens up the game to a wider variety of role-playing opportunities. In Skyrim, cities were interesting stopping points, but could quickly be explored in their entirety and suddenly feel exhausted. The Elder Scrolls 6 has the potential to create towns with stories that unfold at a much slower pace, with players being encouraged to spend more time in towns than in previous games.

Instead of having only one house per city that players can live in, players can choose different neighborhoods and meet different and bigger NPCs. The immediate inaccessibility of the richer quarters and palaces where city rulers live can make them feel much more genuinely powerful than palaces an Skyrim the player could simply run directly from the city gate. More communities living within the city walls could help weave more interesting dynamics between the different demographics of the city, allowing the game to tell more complicated stories.

If nothing else, big cities will feel more immersive and associated with the big game world confirmed with The Elder Scrolls 6The emphasis on procedural generation to create its landscape could help create a game that feels much bigger than previous installments. It will be a lot of work for the next one Old scrolls release title Skyrimshadow, but if the developer keeps their promise to expand towns and villages, the game may be on the right track.

The Elder Scrolls 6 is in development.

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