The epidemic of E. Coli caused by ground and contaminated beef develops; 177 people in 10 states are sick


An epidemic of E. Coli from contaminated ground beef has expanded to 177 people sick in 10 states, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention reported Friday.

Of those infected, 21 were hospitalized. No deaths have been reported. Infected persons are less than 1 year old at age 84 and have a median age of 18 years.

Cases include people who have eaten beef since March 1, the agency said, but no suppliers, distributors or brands of beef have been identified.

"Tracing surveys are underway to determine the source of raw ground beef supplied to grocery stores and restaurants where sick people have reported eating," the CDC said.

"Diseases that occurred after March 29 may not yet be reported because of the time that elapses between the time a person gets E. coli and the time the disease is reported. three weeks, "said the CDC.

The CDC said this month that it had identified ground beef as the food responsible for an outbreak involving at the time 109 cases of disease in six states.

The states affected by the outbreak are Georgia, Kentucky, Ohio, Tennessee, Virginia, Indiana, Florida, Illinois, Mississippi and Minnesota.

At the same time, Grant Park Packing has recalled more than 53,000 pounds of raw ground beef products due to possible E. coli contamination, announced the Food Safety and Inspection Service of the United States. United States Department of Agriculture in a statement. The Illinois company said the ground beef items had been produced on October 30 and 31 and November 1.

K2D Foods / Colorado Premium Foods also recalls more than 113,000 pounds of raw ground beef produced in late March and early April due to possible contamination.

There is no definitive link between these products and the E epidemic. Coli, said the agency.

Symptoms of E. coli infection include severe stomach cramps, diarrhea and vomiting. They start on average three to four days after the ingestion of the bacteria. Most people recover in five to seven days.

Consumers are urged to prevent the spread of E. coli bacteria by washing their hands frequently, by cooking ground beef at an internal temperature of 160 ° C and keeping uncooked foods out of the way raw beef to prevent cross-contamination.


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