The episode 4 of Game of Thrones left a cup of coffee and we lose it



Will it be Great, Venti or Giantsbane?

Helen Sloan / HBO

Game of Thrones is a work of art. It is the show that makes us return season after season to watch the absolute top of high fantasy television. This program costs about $ 15 million per episode on the HBO channel. And here is the series that has just left a cup of Starbucks coffee on the set during one of the biggest episodes of its history.

If you do not want to spoil the episode 4 (or your sense of quality production values), then be warned: very bad spoilers to come.

Reading in progress:
Look at this:

Game of Thrones Battle of Winterfell: we are still shaking



Episode 4, entitled "The last of the Starks" fell on Sunday night and the fans were stunned to see how everything went aground after the epic Battle of Winterfell. There were twists, moments of passion and blatant supervision by the designers of the production.

And because it's Game of Thrones, and the fans notice every little detail, the world had feelings!

We are shaken. We followed this series since Sansa was a baby bird and Arya was still fighting with a wooden sword. We are agonizing about subtle discounts and to make memes of every movement of Bran. And we live their losses as if they were ours.

It's hard to see if it's actually a Starbucks mug, but you'd better believe that they'll take brand recognition.

To be fair, it just shows that the people behind this show, one of the most remarkable works of popular culture to perfection that we have ever seen, are still human. They are tired, they need coffee and never mind if they want to shoot if Emilia Clarke and Kristofer Hivju present the reality of Daenerys and Tormund.

Let's just hope it's alive, with two sugars.

(We sent a line to Starbucks and we will update this information if we discover that they are now serving in Westeros.)


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