The escape route from the asylum breaks the border; The new Trump directive is a good start to fix it


President Trump finally stopped banging his head against "THE WALL" and turned his attention to our absurd asylum law, which resulted in the near-collapse of our entire immigration, immigration and immigration system. so that we have never had a "system".

It will result in a legal battle that the White House may well lose, but it is the fight the country needs. Even in the event of defeat, it will always be possible to simply raise the issue so that people can see the wreckage of our southern border created by the gaping chasm of our immigration law.

The White House announced on Monday that it was asking federal agencies to adjust their handling of asylum applications so that they could be tried faster and migrants submerging the system did not just let go when they arrived to enjoy their stay.

The directives set a 180-day deadline for the processing of asylum applications (they can currently last up to several years); impose fees on asylum requests (now free for anyone who comes forward and pronounces the magic word); and deny work permits to asylum seekers who have not entered the United States through a legal entry point (ie illegal border crossings, which make up the largest majority of asylum applications).

South of the border, we learned long ago that anyone who wants to try his luck in the United States only has to float 50 meters on the Rio Grande, to go to the American bank and to find a border officer to apply for asylum. The chances of staying are almost 100% for those who bring children. So that's what they do, endangering children's lives.

When I went to the area of ​​the border between Texas and the Rio Grande Valley earlier this year, I observed what appeared to be a young Guatemalan mother, and seven very young miners in her company. They sat on the edge of the road, a few meters from the river that they crossed, and waited for an agent to find them to be able to seek asylum.

On the river bank, I looked from the other side and there were dozens of people waiting for their turn to make the crossing and do the same.

The system works exactly as the law provides. It's broken for us, but it works very well for those who play.

The backlog of legal immigration cases is close to 1 million cases, a figure that will only increase without a political solution. Trump's directive is at least a look in the right direction.

The Democrats in Congress and those running for the 2020 presidential appointment are all too happy to keep things as they are. But it is not clear that their constituents want the same thing.

A new Washington Post poll found that 35% of Americans now say the border situation is in "crisis", an increase of 11 points from January. This failure was generally observed by the parties, but the biggest leap was achieved by the Democrats. In January, only 7% of the party's voters said there was a border crisis. In the new survey, it is 24%.

The asylum gap creates a crisis. The White House is making the right choice by trying to shut it down.

[[[[Related: GOP targets the regulation on asylum]


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