The essential features for iOS 13 that you need to know


iOS 13 is finally out. The new mobile operating system, available on the iPhone 6 and later models, enhances privacy with a new feature "Connecting with Apple" for applications and significant updates to the application in constant improvement of health.

Apple is also improving its performance. The facial identity is now 30% faster. Downloads from the App Store will be 50% smaller and updates will be reduced by 60%, thanks to changes made to the way applications are packaged. The launch speed of applications is apparently twice as fast on iOS 13.

But what about new features? Here we select the new iOS 13 features that will transform your iPhone.

1. dark mode

Ah, the dark mode, one of the most remarkable iOS updates was apparently inevitable. As we reported in March, Dark Mode, a battery-saving color-on-black color scheme, is aesthetically pleasing and potentially (although not scientifically proven) easier for the eyes , is currently in fashion.

Dark mode on iOS includes lockscreen, wallpaper, widgets, Apple news, calendar, notes, messages, music, maps and photos (including the sharing sheet). Apple may not be the first, but it's pretty.

It joins the dark modes for Android phones, Microsoft Outlook, Reddit, YouTube, Gmail, Pocket, Reddit, Safari and Apple's own MacOS 10.14. Apple launches the dark mode for iOS 13 for a "simplified night viewing": you can enable and disable it in the Settings application or configure it to turn on at hours accurate of the day.

2. The Maps application redesigned

Apple Maps has been "rebuilt" from scratch, collecting land and air data across the United States. The new map will be rolled out in the US by the end of 2019 and the rest of the world later. A new Binoculars button gives you a Street View-style "Look Around" window that provides a 3D view of the position with fluid motion as you move. In addition, Apple has added Favorites and Collections to save photos in locations.

3. Siri improvements

Last year, Siri had Shortcuts, a feature that allowed you to directly access part of the application when you uttered a key phrase. Apple has since expanded its Siri team and its voice assistant has been updated for 2019, although he is late on Alexa and Google Assistant. For iOS 13, a new My Shortcuts screen including suggestions based on your habits.

Siri's voice has also changed. It is now completely generated by the Neural Text To Speech software, rather than by talking actors clips. Apple says it's more natural in longer and more complex statements.

For AirPod users, Siri can announce messages from the application Messages or third-party applications using SiriKit. There's a new one-click audio sharing feature and a Hand-Off feature to switch between AirPod and HomePod using NFC technology. Siri now works with live radio (100,000 radio stations, in fact) and with Pandora and Waze in CarPlay mode.

4. Smarter Photos App

The photos receive "portrait lighting" commands designed to smooth the skin, lighten the eyes and the photo editing features a new slider for highlights, shadows, contrast, saturation, the 39, automatic improvement, etc. , rotation, cropping, noise reduction, hue and more. The application allows you to delete duplicates and delete the photos of receipts and other, administrator type, and a new Photos tab makes the visual presentations enjoyable in days, months and years.

5. The application Reminders completely redesigned

The Reminders app has been reorganized with new sections: completed today, all tasks, scheduled tasks and marked tasks. There is a quick bar and "smart lists", and if you mark a person in a reminder when you send him a message, an in-app note informs you that you have an ongoing project that you need to talk about, if you want to talk about it.

6. New features of iMessage, Mail and Notes

iMessage will now allow a profile picture (including emoji and Memoji) and a display name. Memoji offers new customization options for makeup and accessories, as well as Memoji stickers with automatically created packs. They are available on all devices equipped with an A9 chip or later. There is a new Swiftkey type keyboard called QuickPath.

Mail has new text formatting controls, including support for rich formats and mute threads. Notes benefits from a new gallery view, a single view collaboration and an improved search and records management.

7. Huge updates of the Health app

The Health app now offers more comprehensive tracking of menstrual cycles, including menstrual flow levels, symptoms and tracking of fertile windows, which aligns with Fitbit's good work in health monitoring. women.

A new Summary view and automatically generated highlights, using machine learning, enable you to quickly view health status data, including heart rate after exercise and mindfulness. Apple reiterated that you could manage the applications with which you shared your Apple Health data. And if you have an Apple Watch with watchOS 6, you can also see what Apple calls Activity Trends for metrics such as waiting times and the pace of your iPhone.

8. Important Updates to Privacy

The protection of privacy is one of Apple's USP. It has been endowed with many features enhancing the privacy protection for iOS 13. On the sharing of position, you can choose to share your location with a "one-time" application, then ask the application to ask you again the next authorization. . For ongoing sharing, Apple says it will provide background tracking reports and that it will close the door to Wi-Fi and Bluetooth tracking.

Apple has its own account "Connect with Apple", which allows to compete with social connections via Facebook and Google accounts in applications and on the Web. Apple says that it is the connection without tracking and that it uses the face ID on the device. There is also a clever "Hide My Email" feature for signups, in which Apple creates a new unique and random email that is transferred to your main account, one per app, so you can easily disable them.

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