The Expanse hits the gas for its last six episodes


Amazon Season Six The extent will only be six episodes, significantly shorter than the previous series of 10 or 13 episodes, but it will still end the series by adapting Expanse’s sixth novel, Ashes of Babylon, and the new one Strange dogs.

“Six episodes to do so much material is tough,” showrunner Naren Shankar said during a New York Comic Con panel with members of the cast. “What it gives you is intensity. Each episode is as intense as it gets. You never feel like you’re taking your foot off the gas pedal. By the time you get to the end, it seems cathartic. “

Ty Franck and Daniel Abraham, who co-wrote the Expanse novels under the pseudonym James SA Corey, said the series always does their work justice, in part because certain elements of the sixth book appeared in season five.

“We had to write every script so that there was no fat in it,” Franck said. “There was no supplement. We had to tell the story that we were here to tell.

This story begins with the solar system and the crew of the Rocinante in turmoil following the devastating attacks on Earth by Chief Belter Marco Inaros (Keon Alexander) and the death of ship pilot Alex Kamal (Cas Anvar).

“Morale is really low when we start season six,” said Steven Strait, who plays Rocinante captain James Holden. “The war dragged on. There is a feeling that we haven’t gotten anywhere. We haven’t broken through in a way where our efforts make it seem like they mean something. “

One of the ways the crew is tested is the addition of Clarissa Mao aka Peaches (Nadine Nicole), a violent redemption-seeking criminal brought on board by ship engineer and muscle Amos Burton (Wes Chatham) , which regards it as a kind of spirit kinship.

“Amos always sought out those mentors he believed in to make moral choices and give him advice in life, but he grew to the point that he became that for Peaches,” Chatham said. “Now that he has someone turn to him and lead her in a certain way, he begins to think about his mission. He believes in Holden with all his heart, but he begins to wonder what drives Holden and why we are involved in these great movements in history.

These questions will also lead to a reexamination of his relationship with Holden’s second-in-command and lover, Naomi (Dominique Tipper), who suffers from PTSD after failing to persuade his son Filip Inaros (Jasai Chase Owens) to give up extreme tactics. from his father. .

“It was so juicy playing these scenes where Amos and Naomi just don’t agree with each other,” Tipper said. “She goes after everyone who is nearby. This is what you do when you are devastated.

Season six will continue to focus on geopolitical intrigue with real-world parallels. United Nations leader Chrisjen Avasarala (Shohreh Aghdashloo) will unite allies and former enemies against Marcos, while Belter captain Camina Drummer (Cara Gee) sees his family divided based on their feelings about Marcos.

“When you look at the people on the show coming to power, whether it’s Marcos or Avasarala, there’s this violent colonialism,” Gee said. “’I’m going to take this and make it what I want to be’ instead of valuing each person’s humanity in all factions across the universe. It’s an interesting examination of power.

Shankar said he became emotional watching the latest episode directed by Breck Eisner, which, at almost 65 minutes, will be almost 50% longer than a typical episode.

The last season of The extent releases on December 10, with new episodes every week on Fridays.


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