The "Factions" feature of the long-time Black Ops 4 zombies is still missing


Screen Capture: Activision Blizzard

Black Ops 4Zombies still does not have all the content promised by Activision before it was launched last year. In fact, the survival mode of the undead has not really been characterized by an appropriate flow of content or substantial rewards. Seven months since Black Ops 4Launch, and the Zombie community still has to speculate on the Factions feature that was teased so long ago.

Factions was originally announced by Treyarch director, Jason Blundell, and senior writer, Craig Houston, at San Diego's Comic-Con in July 2018. The highlights of the SDCC panel listed on the blog's blog. Activision initially gave us this hint:

"First, there will be Factions in Black Ops 4 Zombies, with their own quests and stories. These factions will add another dimension to the story, as players choose to associate with Bloodfaith, Tempus Novi, Dustborn or the First Legion.

"Who are you with, and what does it mean as you move down that path?" Said Blundell at the panel, teasing what the Factions mode would add to the Zombies.

Initially, there was a lot of intrigue about what might be Factions, but the hype of Comic-Con has completely disappeared since the vague description of Treyarch has given way to the silence of the radio. Kotaku Activision contacted this week to ask questions about the future of Factions, which did not respond.

With Black Ops 4With Zombies having such a difficult launch, and players asking for much better updates and rewards, you will now think that Treyarch would have at least provided some juicy details to bring the community back to life.

A YouTuber and a member of the Zombies community called "ZWC Noobey" tweeted Treyarch back in March for an ETA on Factions. At the time, the developer responded: "Factions is planned for our next operation. The team is currently focusing on the publication of Ancient Evil (DLC 2) in our next major update, followed by Gauntlet's Dead of the Night, Server Break, Break Screen Split + more. "

This would mean that Factions was to be launched with the current Specter Rising operation of the game – but we are already in the fourth week of the event on PlayStation 4, and no new information is yet available on this mysterious feature of Zombies.

Screen Capture: Activision Blizzard

Factions could really be anything at this point. If it's something similar to destinyThe faction system, that would simply mean reuniting the players under one banner of faction or another to face boring challenges and gain extra loot. But I really hope that Treyarch's plan involves weaving more creative challenges with unique storytelling, which would further encourage players to return to Zombies.

The Treyarch zombies may have started as a mere survival of the horde, but the mode has actually transformed and developed a community with the addition of interesting quest columns and a depth of history. But in its current state, Black Ops 4Zombies offers many maps and modes with very few rewards and updates.

The addition of the Gauntlets to each Zombie map, or 30 grueling challenges of unique challenges, left the players unhappy with the reward. Players do not really feel rewarded for the Gauntlets by simply receiving a calling card allowing them to boast of enjoying their profile in the game. Bigger challenges should offer bigger rewards like unique cams, weapons or exclusive outfits for the Gauntlets champions.

This being the fifth consecutive year of Call of Duty Zombies, players really need better content and more rewarding rewards to counter Zombie fatigue. The major overhaul of Activision Call of Duty 2020, which KotakuJason Schreier, said Treyarch charged to produce another Secret operations play in just two years, rather than the usual three. This puts a lot of pressure on the developer and could affect his ability to continue adding content to Black Ops 4.

Whatever the factions and whenever they happen, I hope that the feature will bring better incentives and bring the community closer to a competitive pleasure. If Treyarch truly brings a new layer of storytelling combined with community challenges, it may not be too late to revive Black Ops 4Zombies, but if it's just a clone of destinyThe Factions will reward more Calling Cards than the players do not want, it may be too little, much too late.


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