The Fallout 76 player completes a new raid and gains a useless exercise


Screenshot: Kaelynath (Imgur)

Almost all those who have already attacked in a game before have a horrible history about this time when they worked very hard to be rewarded with a piece of junk. At least one super unlucky Fallout 76 player recently joined their ranks.

"We beat the last boss and opened the chest at the end," Kaelynath wrote about the subtitle of the game. His three teammates each received a legendary three-star article, the best of the game. Kaelynath has had a drill, a simple tool, almost worthless. "I'm fucking you, Bethesda," they wrote.

Fallout 76The new Vault 94 raid is a final gaming activity for high level players. Bethesda suggests that players go beyond level 50 and only attempt it in groups of four. In addition to testing their skills and abilities, this operation is supposed to reward players for their time and problems with rare and powerful equipment.

Screenshot: Kaelynath (Imgur)

Exercises are neither rare nor powerful, and this is not the first time they are known to disappear from legendary foes, which players have long considered a bug but have not yet been modified by Bethesda. It now seems that they can participate in the raid supposed to guarantee players legendary drops. Of course, since the exercises do not receive legendary statistics affixes, they are useless.

"It's also after more than an hour spent in Chest 94, which, because of the fact that it zeroes you with enemies all along you, is in itself a gigantic resource well that gives next to nothing for exp, "said Kaelynath. Kotaku in an email.

Screenshot: mepradayounada (Imgur)

The subreddit, aware of the problem of the game for several months, decided to name the exercise "Rod of Howard" in honor of the director of the game of Bethesda, Todd Howard. A player even offered to buy it. "10k, I'm not kidding," writes the user of Reddit, mepradayounada.

"The other user actually bought it for 10,000 Caps," Kaelynath said. Kotaku. "Which definitely made my patch day very disappointing a little better. He said it was because he was an "art collector" and wanted to hang it on a display because he had a story. Which is a result I could never have expected.


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