The family of a missing woman from Maui pleads for help from the National Guard


Amanda Eller. Photo courtesy Findamanda Facebook / Sarah Haynes. Maui now edit.

By Wendy Osher

The search for a missing woman on Amanda Eller, 35 years old in Maui, continues. After a week of research, his family makes a call.

"Amanda must be found today. She will be found today. We need the military to activate their humanitarian peacekeeping mission, which is essential to our country, "said Jessica Eller, Amanda's sister-in-law, who is asking for help from the National Guard.

We talked to Jessica Eller by phone in Maryland this morning. Her husband, Amanda's brother, Chris, is in Maui with Amanda's parents, John and Julia, and Amanda's sister, Alicia.

Family members say that, while government officials have shown a lot of empathy towards the situation, the uncertainty surrounding the ability to activate the National Guard in this situation, which is outside from the typical activation of a natural disaster.

"The terrain is difficult and dangerous, and many areas require extreme training and professionals," said Jessica Eller.

Police and firefighters continued their searches in the air and on foot after receiving a 9-1-1 call Tuesday (May 14, 2019) from an area located above the Makawao Forest about 39, possibly additional information relating to the investigation. The police also brought in other Oahu search dogs to help them.

Amanda disappeared on May 8 and her car was found the next day in the parking lot near the start of the Kahakapao Trail in the Makawao Forest Reserve. Amanda, a physical therapist and yoga teacher, was last seen by her boyfriend, Benjamin Konkol, who said Eller was meditating when he went to work around 7:30 am on Wednesday, May 8th. 2019.

"For search and rescue operations, we work with volunteers. The number of volunteers we recruit is so great, but we need more people and we think that the army, the National Guard, is trained for this type of mission. "

New surveillance images were published yesterday by Eller at the Ha'iku market at 10:10 am on the day of his disappearance. According to Findamanda's Facebook page, Amanda bought an energy bar and cans of dry tea. She was wearing black yoga pants, a light-colored tank top and black slippers. A corresponding Eller's vehicle was also observed at the Ha'ikū post office at 8:19 am on May 8, coinciding with earlier reports that she apparently posted a package for Mother's Day on the day of her disappearance.


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