The Few Thanksgiving Recipes I Look For Every Year


If I put them here next year, I will only have to search once:

Campbell’s Green Bean Casserole Recipe: This is basically a vegetarian tuna noodle casserole dish. I’m still okay with skipping this but my daughter and mom both demand it.

Emeril’s Bourbon Sweet Mashed Potatoes: I love it, and so does my mom. My daughter hates them. This is what for me means “Thanksgiving” in “Another Turkey Dinner”. I only do them during the holidays.

Bon Appetit Extra Buttery Mashed Potatoes: My dad will complain about the dairy, like there’s no heavy cream in the sweet mashed potatoes. He and my mom will be taking lactose pills. There will be no mashed potatoes left.

I’ve made cranberry sauce before, but my daughter and I prefer gummies from the box. The stuffing comes from a box. Sauce I usually only buy a few jars because I am not having fun making them. Turkey which we have discussed elsewhere.

I will prepare food for my parents and deliver it, but we will have dinner at our respective homes and join the rest by teleconference.


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