The filming of Odessa and the 3 losses of the NRA in 2020


During the holiday weekend, between different sports and the Dorian cover, I surprised a few minutes of Texas Governor Greg Abbott giving a press conference following the mass shooting in Odessa. Few things make me sicker than watching Republican politicians after these massacres at press conferences to reassure people that they have everything under control. No, mate We have this situation first and foremost because of people like you.

Last month, at the time of the El Paso and Dayton murders, I wrote an article in which I was talking about Abbott, who had just signed 10 laws favorable to firearms. He signed them before the tragedies of El Paso and Odessa, but as you may have read recently, they came into effect just after the accumulation of seven other bodies in Odessa. My favorite is the one that prohibits "no guns" clauses in residential leases, because one of the things we absolutely have to do as a society is to make it easier for people to rent apartments and fill them with arsenals that rival small country.

We are there again. What do we have to do? About places like Texas, not much. They are moving towards the armament of teachers.


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