The final phase now has a post-credit sequence … kind of


Note: This article contains spoilers for Avengers: End of the game.

Avengers: End of the game broke a long Marvel tradition by removing the post-credit scene.

Fans who stayed around to see the jokes Marvel had in store were deeply disappointed, although the producers have (somehow) reacted to that now.

The blockbuster screenings will now include a Tom Holland pre-movie message encouraging the audience to stay after, and the new Spider-Man: far from home trailer after the credits have rolled.

Jake Gyllenhaal and Tom Holland in Spider-Man: far from home

Jay MaidmentSony Photos

The new trailer contains spoilers with a wink of ripping eye to the last Avengers Peter Parker mourns the loss of Tony Stark. after watching End of Game.

Meanwhile, End of GameThe directors opened the dialogue on a deleted scene that we missed in the film, which was attended by Thor and Valkyrie.

"There is a funny rhythm," Anthony Russo revealed. "If you remember at the end of the movie where Thor says goodbye to Valkyrie, he tells Asgard.

Avengers Endgame, Thor, Chris Hemsworth

Marvel Studios

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"At the end of the day, we felt we wanted to keep the situation a bit tight, so we were looking for solutions.

"He had that beat where Valkyrie … she put her arm on his shoulder. [Thor] begins to bend over for a kiss and she says, "What are you doing?" And he said, "Oh, I thought the touch-" and she would say, "It's a goodbye, I give it to you".

"It was a really fun rhythm, but we cut it."

Avengers: End of the game is out now. Spider-Man: far from home will be published on July 2nd.

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