The first Apple Watch in stores


But it is okay! It was a totally new material and it took some time for the owners to know what it's all about. And by the time Apple launched the Watch Series 2 in September 2016, it was clear: it was primarily a device for health and fitness. Second, it was positioned as a device for quick communication and to track your notifications without having to get your phone. This focus helped Apple create a more fascinating story around the Watch, which began to take off in the same way as the first.

Apple has also spent a lot of time targeting the first Apple Watch on the luxury market, even more than it does with its other products. A $ 10,000 Apple Watch is in no way an attempt to gain credibility from watch collectors and aficionados – the kind of person who usually spends $ 10,000 on a Rolex, not a gadget.

But this strategy makes no sense with a device that will be obsolete in a few years, and Apple has quickly abandoned this high-end market. The company still manufactures stainless steel watches and maintains a partnership with the luxury retailer Hermès, which makes expensive leather bracelets for the watch. But for the most part, cheaper aluminum watches are what you will see on people's wrists.

These days, you will see a lot on people's wrists. While Android Wear (now Wear OS) has never really understood, the popularity of Apple Watch has stopped growing. At this point, it is a refined product, refined, fast and reliable, even essential for most people as a smartphone. But like most Apple products, it certainly has a dedicated audience – something that seemed far from certain when the first Apple Watch arrived in stores four years ago.


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