The first restarted PowerToys from Microsoft are online


The first two utilities of the new Microsoft PowerToys, a Windows Keyboard Shortcut Guide and a Window Manager, are now available.

Only the latter could be described as a true PowerToy; The Windows keyboard shortcut guide is as basic as it looks and is a subset of the kind of help Windows 10 should provide itself. But FancyZones, a terrible name for a useful utility, is interesting. It extends the snap feature in Windows 10 to allow more complex and useful on-screen window layouts. (This should call Power Snap.) Of course.)

Other PowerToys are coming, and I hope some of them will live up to the much vaunted name of PowerToy. Microsoft says that the new desktop expansion (previously announced), the end of the process, the batch file change and the animated GIF recorder are also on the way.

It is impossible to use Windows 10 and do not Think of the possible PowerToys, such as the Central Taskbar icons, Classic Start, Remove Crapware and Bulk Store App Remover. Go people, let's make Windows 10 big again (gag). We can do it.

You can download the new PowerToys from GitHub.

Marked with PowerToys


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