The Five praise Sinema on her composure after far-left protesters harassed her in the bathroom


The panel on “The Five” praised Senator Kyrsten Sinema on Monday for his behavior after being followed into the bathroom by protesters and filmed without his consent. The Arizona Democrat was followed into the washroom at Arizona State University by members of LUCHA, a left-wing immigration activist group, because she has yet to support the President Biden’s $ 3.5 trillion spending bill.

“The Five” host Dana Perino said she already doesn’t like it when people use their cellphones even for personal use in the bathroom, and called Sinema’s situation an inappropriate violation of life. private.

“I probably would have lost him completely,” she said. “She is followed in the bathroom not only by women, but by men.”

Cohost Kennedy called the act “childish” and said Sinema should take advantage of the experience and allow him to “build” on his willingness to stand firm in his position.

“I hope she takes this as some kind of inspiration not to bow to the loud crowd – because she shouldn’t. She should be looking at the bottom line, the price and her voters – and they can’t. not afford $ 3.5 trillion – she and Manchin know that, “Kennedy said.

Co-host Greg Gutfeld added that what LUCHA activists did in Sinema could be considered a criminal offense.

“If you’re in the bathroom and someone is filming you, that’s an assault. It’s an assault on you,” he said.

According to Arizona Law 13-3019 SS. 1, it is “prohibited for any person to knowingly photograph, film … another person without that person’s consent … defecate, dress, undress, be naked or have sex.”


Gutfeld then criticized Biden’s response, calling the incident inappropriate, but saying it “happens to everyone.”

“President Biden is wrong. It never happens to a leftist,” he said. “If you’re a non-liberal – Democrats included – it can happen to you. In a perfect world, yes we can all have Secret Service like Joe and we could all swim naked in front of them.”


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