The former DT Seahawks is arrested on his guard and continues to fight against the police during a crazy arrest VIDEO


This video should officially mark the end of Malik McDowell's career in the NFL.

In this one, a police officer from Lathrup, Michigan, stopped the 6-foot-6, 300-pound defensive tackler in front of a convenience store on a snowy night in February. McDowell was arrested for speeding and skidding on the road at one point, but when the officer asked him for his license and registration, he refused and continues to demand to speak to a supervisor.

After multiple requests, Malik gets out of his car and tries to enter the store. The policeman tries to stop him and the two men begin to struggle inside the store. Malik is finally hit on the ground but he continues to refuse to put on his stomach. After several warnings, the second round pick of 2017 is assigned, but he does not even put it in phase because he tears the rods and attacks the officer.

The help finally arrives and we can see Malik trying to snatch a policeman's weapon from his holster. Finally, they are able to handcuff McDowell and take him in a car.

Here is an overview of the senseless sequence of the incident:

It has been said that McDowell had a smell of alcoholism, although it is not known whether it was drug or alcohol. He was arrested in May and is scheduled to appear in court later this month.

The 23-year-old leaves the NFL since July 2018, the year he was cut by the Seahawks after being injured during a mountain bike accident. He recently visited the Cowboys, but I doubt very much that even Jerry Jones plans to re-register after that.

The arresting officer suffered only a few minor injuries. Accessories for him. Not only has he demonstrated incredible patience, but he has also stood up to a guy twice as big.

Here is an overview of the mugshot:

Hat Tip – [TMZ]


football, Malik McDowell, NFL, Seattle Seahawks,

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