The Fox News legal analyst described Trump's obstruction of justice as "immoral, criminal, defenseless and reprehensible."


In the middle of President Trump's support roadblock on Fox News, the president gets an amazing crush from Fox News's brain cortex of truth, which still works. Senior Legal Analyst Andrew Napolitano talks about it in a digital video segment titled "Judge Napolitano's Chambers," where the Fox News reporter argues convincingly and simply why Trump has not only acted criminally but also immorally to justice repeatedly, revealed in the Mueller report.

A written document accompanies the video and everything is fine, but we have all read a lot recently about everything that is wrong with Trump and the obviousness of why. However, when it is said aloud, given the platform and the intended audience, the Napolitano sermon is a little more powerful and useful, because it recalls that certain principles, laws and facts remain true, even if the primitive Fox News programming refuses to recognize them.

"[W]hen the president asked his former [Deputy National Security] Councilor K.T. McFarland wrote a deceptive letter to the record knowing that the government would assign it, it's a hindrance to justice, "Napolitano said. "When the president has asked Corey Lewandowski, his former campaign manager, to fire Mueller, it is an obstacle to justice. When the President of the Republic asked his White House lawyer to fire Mueller and then lie about the obstruction of justice. When he asked Don McGahn to return to the special council and change his testimony, it is an obstacle to justice. When he asked Michael Cohen for a pardon to prevent him from testifying against him, it is an obstacle to justice. "

"Then why not blame him?", He asks. "Because the Attorney General of the United States has blocked such an accusation. The Attorney General of the United States is of the view that obstruction of justice can only be frustrated if you get into a criminal investigation. yourself. But that's not what the obstruction law says. And that's not what law enforcement thinks and what prosecutors do. Prosecutors prosecute those who are ingested in government functions. And that's what the president did by obstruction. "

"Yes [President Trump] had ordered his collaborators to violate the federal law to save a human life or preserve human freedom, he would at least have a moral defense of his behavior, "concludes Napolitano. "But order them to violate federal law to protect him from the consequences of his immoral, criminal, defenseless and reprehensible behavior."

It's really something.


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