The free PS4 games from April for PS Plus have been announced


We're in the last days of March, which means two things for PlayStation Plus members: the free March PS4 games will soon be gone and two more free games will be available for download in April. Unfortunately, the PS3 and Vita games are no longer part of the monthly package and the latest free games are not the same level as March's fantastic offers. The PS Plus games of April are The Surge and Conan Exiles. They will be downloadable from April 2nd.

The Surge is a science-fiction RPG heavily inspired by the Dark Souls series. It unfolds in a dark and dystopian future where the world has been ravaged by war and environmental diseases. Robots and clones make up the majority of the workforce. The remaining humans must therefore fight to survive while wearing exoskeletal implants designed to increase their speed and strength. Critic Daniel Starkey awarded the game a score of 7/10 in GameSpot's review, The Surge.

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"Everything does not hit, but The Surge works a lot more often than it does, and what it's changing is usually better executed here than with its ancestors," wrote Starkey. "Deck 13 has designed a satisfying adventure that breathes new life into a flooded subgenus."

Then there is Conan Exiles, an adventure of survival in an open world that takes place in the universe of Conan the Barbarian. You play as a customizable character who was saved by Conan and now has to explore the hostile world known as The Exiled Lands. Resource collection, object making and shelter construction play a role in your quest for survival. However, the game received a 3/10 in GameSpot review on Conan Exiles – critic James Swinbanks has contested the game's multiple bugs, his confusing artificial intelligence and his uninteresting fights.

"In the end, Conan Exiles is one of the most unsatisfactory games I've ever played," he wrote. "Its building systems and resources can be dense enough so that the ultra patient can find something to enjoy here, but everyone would want to leave with their hands up in defeat."

That said, these two games are completely free, so if they seem interesting, download them and try them until they are available next month. In the meantime, you can still download free PS Plus games from March until April 2nd at 8am, Paris time / 11am, Paris time / 3pm (Paris time) (and at 2am, April 3). The two gifts are Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered, the critically acclaimed 2016 recap of Activision's shooter, and The Witness, a great puzzle game on a mysterious island. Both titles have been improved for the PS4 Pro.

Download the free PS Plus games from March:


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