The Gambit movie was like the godfather of the mutants, according to Rupert Wyatt


A Gambit The film has long been in the works and, with Disney's acquisition of 20th Century Fox's film studio, the future of X Men the benefits are changing. But throughout the development of the film, he experienced several revisions of scenario and directors, all under the supervision of Channing Tatum, who signed to become the main mutant in addition to producing the film.

The first director who officially signed to head Gambit was Climb of the Planet of the Apes director Rupert Wyatt, which embarked in June 2015. The development continued and Léa Seydoux Bella Donna Boudreaux was chosen for the main role of the film. In September 2015, Wyatt withdrew from the film. The other administrators ended up registering and leaving, in particular Doug Liman and Gore Verbinski, but the film has not yet come to fruition, and we only have minor updates on what it would imply.

<img class = "wp-image-474589" title = "channing-tatum-gambit-movie" src = " -channing-tatum-400×600.jpg "alt =" channing-tatum-gambit-movie” width=”320″ height=”479″ srcset=”×600.jpg 400w,×300.jpg 200w,×676.jpg 451w” sizes=”(max-width: 320px) 100vw, 320px”/>

Image via Warner Bros.

Steve Weintraub of Collider recently spoke with Wyatt at SXSW in anticipation of the release of his new science fiction film Captive state, and during their conversation, Wyatt revealed not only why he had left Gambit, but what would have involved his version of the film. Wyatt explains why he came out of the movie. The four fantastics restart to blame:

"The four fantastics came out, did not do very well for Fox, [and] they decided to reduce our budget. We were at 12 weeks, we could not recover. The scenario required a lot of rewriting to fit this budget and, ultimately, the powers that were chosen not to engage in that path, so the movie did not happen. And of course, whatever happened after me with other directors, I have no idea. What I know is that Channing Tatum and his partner producer Reid Carolin had an incredible idea of ​​what this movie was going to be, and Josh Zeutemer, the writer too. It was awesome, it was really exciting. Godfather with mutants established in the world of New Orleans with different gangs. "

When asked if the movie was supposed to be a burglary film, Wyatt actually compared his version to The Godfather and revealed that it would have been partially fixed in the 1970s:

"Yeah [a heist film] of one kind. I mean that it was a movie of the time. He dealt with the 70s until today. It was a kind of mutant gangs and the notion of what it means to belong to tribalism in this bayou environment. The swamps of New Orleans. It would have been a lot of fun. I think Channing has somehow worked on the script to make it a romantic comedy, in my opinion. What I read and it was great, it was very different from what I was attending. But now, Disney has the reins and I do not know what their plans are. "

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Image via Marvel Comics

Wyatt said he, Tatum and the producers insisted that the film be ready before the start of production, in order to avoid costly rework, and that their budget was never as close to 150 million. dollars reported:

"I mean, look, it's probably that we put ourselves too much in the weeds, but it's interesting to talk about it. Invariably, what happens with this kind of filming process, if people do not have their ducks lined up, they will throw it to the wall and realize that it does not stick, and they will then spend 150 millions of dollars to do it right. As a filmmaker, I have followed this process and it is really difficult to finish with a work that works and has a coherent history. I think we were at one place – Channing, me, Reid, the producers – where we did not want to live this experience. We wanted to make a particular film and realize it, so that the whole process of re-recording and everything else, we did not want to go that route. "

Liman and Verbinski both tried to make Gambit work, but left for undisclosed reasons, and here we are with Fox about to be engulfed by Disney. We do not know if Disney will allow Gambit to advance as Tatum wishes, if they rework the approach or give up everything, since it could now be integrated into the very successful world of Marvel Cinematic.

But I will say that I am a little depressed Gambit never happened before this Disney deal. Fox was really making unique and independent adaptations of Marvel Comics –Logan was a raw western and dead Pool was an R-rated comedy – and I was curious to see what Gambit could be allowed a certain degree of creative freedom.

Look for Steve's full interview with Wyatt on Collider soon.


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