The Game Awards are back in December


"It will be very special"

This message has the impression of confirming what we were already waiting for, to report that the sun has risen this morning and that it will go to bed tonight. Geoff Keighley's game rewards are back, baby! You knew that would be the case, you could feel it in your bones. Life has many uncertainties, but death, taxes and the Game Awards are not part of it.

Note it on your calendars on December 12th. A press release tells us that we receive all the usual elements – world premieres, musical performances and real rewards. Keighley, in a tweetsays this year's Game Awards celebrate creation. The 5th anniversary show "will be very special."

Whether really extraordinary or ordinary, the grin does not matter. The Game Awards have become one of the most fun nights in video games. (Although, sometimes, the pleasure is also ironic). Like a Frankenstein monster on vacation, like Halloween, Christmas and a banal holiday, the Game Awards always bring excitement, prestige and routine. Oh, it's like the NBA All-Star weekend too, because our comments section is always awash in wild dunks.

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