The Grammys almost had a bigger Eddie Van Halen tribute


Eddie Van Halen’s son Wolfgang Van Halen says he turned down an offer to play “Eruption” in honor of his father at this year’s Grammys, he said. revealed on Twitter Monday. “I don’t think anyone could have lived up to what my father did for music other than himself,” Wolfgang wrote, explaining that he was surprised then to see the tribute become just one brief display of his guitar. “I had no idea they would only show Pop for 15 seconds in the middle of four full performances for others that we had lost.”

“What hurt the most,” Wolfgang continued, “was that he wasn’t even mentioned when they talked about artists we lost at the start of the show. I know rock does. isn’t the most popular genre right now (and the academy seems a bit disconnected) but I think it’s impossible to ignore the legacy my father left on the instrument, the rock world and the music in general There will never be another innovator like him.

Wolfgang admitted that his father, who died last year after a long battle with cancer, would have cared nothing. “I know Pop would probably risk laughing and saying, ‘Hey, who’s sick of this?’ He was only talking about music anyway. The rest didn’t matter. But he offered to speak to the Recording Academy “not only about my father’s legacy, but the rock genre legacy in the future.” (A Recording Academy spokesperson did not immediately respond to a request for comment.)

Wolfgang, who has toured and recorded on bass with Van Halen, is releasing his self-titled debut album under the name Mammoth WVH (in which he sings and plays all instruments) on June 11.


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