The help is on the way, and the Cubs could not be more dizzy


The hubbub between the Cubs as a team started Wednesday night in the dugout and continued into the clubhouse until Thursday morning.

Craig Kimbrel approached the players during the match and the players reacted like children on Christmas morning.

"What round was it when they announced it because (Kyle) Schwarber came out and started to deal with the Kimbrel affair," said reliever Steve Cishek, evoking Kimbrel's attitude on the mound. "I'm like," We're going in. It's happened. "Incredible." The guys are very excited. "

Schwarber pleaded guilty.

"All the fans screamed and shouted," We have Kimbrel, "said Schwarber," I heard it by Len (announcer Kasper) on TV. So I went there and hung my arm. It'll be fun."

But seriously, what should be the most fun, these are the benefits that Kimbrel's signature should bring to the team (once the agreement is formalized after a physical exam). These benefits include:

• Increased pen depth or "pen lengthening," as Joe Maddon, the manager, and his team hear.

• Recover relays that had closed, such as Cishek and Pedro Strop, in more usual installation roles. Strop was closing in the absence of a casualty, close to Brandon Morrow, and Cishek made most of the closure when Strop was on the wounded list.

• Give the team an extra boost of confidence. Getting a star seven times can do that.

"It lengthens the pen and makes us much stronger," Cishek said. "By lengthening ourselves, we can have more (favorable) fights now – it's a good recipe for success."

Spare pitchers, like most athletes, are creatures of habit and the majority of them like to know their roles. While Kimbrel holds the ninth inning, Cishek, Strop, Brandon Kintzler and others can find more familiar roles.

"I really think every newcomer would rather play a role, like a guy in the seventh inning, a guy in the eighth inning," said Cishek. "But here we do not really have that, apart from Pedro and the eighth and now Kimbrel, the ninth.Last year, I learned to accept that." I learned to launch in these situations.I personally like it, and I had a good time with J trying to treat the fifth, sixth, seventh inning as a backup situation. "

Maddon says that there can be an added benefit. He often says that a "once-extended mind is struggling to regain its original shape". According to Maddon, the presence of Kimbrel could allow the guys in the facility to settle more comfortably in their old roles.

"I think when the mind is stretched, when you go back to something you did before – and I do not know if the right word is" easier ", but the right word could be more" comfortable " At this point – when you meet a guy like Kimbrel, whoever has played that role before, can easily retire, "said Maddon.

Maddon also claims that for any movement to be accepted by the team, the incoming player (s) must be considered as upgrades. The recent signing of the player-offering Carlos Gonzalez and the acquisition of Kimbrel seem to match this requirement in the Cubs' pavilion.

"I always talk about when you make acquisitions and you bring a guy into the clubhouse in season, where the whole group realizes it makes us better, so everyone goes online," Maddon said.

Judging by the number of players who were around to talk to the media, they seem to have acted so enthusiastically.

"Obviously, one of the best closing players in the game so far," said left field player Schwarber. "Every time you meet a guy like that, you'll obviously be excited, I think it'll help everyone."


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