The horror film Mama makes the perfect wedding with It Chapter Two


Nowadays, streaming options and contradictory recommendations are so numerous that it's hard to see through all the bullshit that you could watch. Every Friday, The edgeThe Cut the Crap column simplifies the choice by sorting out a multitude of movies and TV shows on subscription services and recommending just one thing to watch this weekend.

What to watch

Mum, a 2013 horror film released during the sleepy movie season of the month of January. However, its origins date back to 2008. It was then that "Mamá", a short film directed by Argentine director Andy Muschietti and produced and co-written by his sister Barbara Muschietti, began making his debut at the festival. He caught the attention of fantasy-horror director Guillermo del Toro, who later called it "one of the scariest little scenes I've ever seen". What fear? This scary:

With the executive production of del Toro, the Muschietti collaborated with the writer Neil Cross (creator of Luther) to develop the short circuit in a function. This was not a small feat considering its simplicity. What began as a horrible vignette has become a fully-expanded story in which Jeffrey (Game of thrones'Nikolaj Coster-Waldau), having lost his money during the financial collapse of 2008, kills his colleagues and his wife and kidnaps his two terrorized daughters. Going towards the hills, he collides with his car and heads for a secluded cabin where he plans to kill his children, and then himself. But a mysterious entity living in the cabin has other projects and she clearly understands the girls.

Flash-forward five years. Jeffrey's brother, Lucas (also played by Coster-Waldau), is on the verge of bankruptcy by paying for research groups to comb in the woods in search of signs from his brother and nieces. Presented for the first time with a sigh of relief in a negative pregnancy test, Jeffrey's girlfriend, Annabel (Jessica Chastain), continues to support, but she does not wait for her efforts to succeed. If that was the case, it could interrupt her life as a bassist in a garage rock band, a passion that she did not intend to give up.

Then, unexpectedly, a couple of researchers discovers that the girls, aged eight and six now, live in the hut in a misery. Both returned to an almost wild state. And although they seem to have been alone, when Victoria (Megan Charpentier), the eldest daughter, recovers her speaking ability, she speaks to a person named "Mama" who has taken care of the sisters during their stay in the desert. This guardian begins to visit Lucas and Annabel at home.

Why look now?

In 2017, It, Muschietti's second feature film, has become the most profitable horror film of all time. Coming now This chapter two, which fits the second half of Stephen King's magnum opus and co-stars Chastain.

The casting rumors surround each major adaptation of the film, but the cast speaks This chapter two took an unusual form. Fans not only had to take into account the stars that could match the characters described by Stephen King, but also determine who could play the role of the adult version of the first stars of the film. Nevertheless, Chastain's cast seemed to be a accomplished fact since the beginning, given her past with Muschietti and the red hair that she shares with Beverly's descriptions of King and he co-star Sophia Lillis. Unsurprisingly, Chastain offers one of the most outstanding performances of the sequel. But Mum gives him even more to do.

Many elements that make Mum remarkable in the original short film: the fluid camera, the ease of Muschietti with children actors, the disturbing digital effects. But it is the way in which the functionality adds narrative and thematic depth to the fear, it is what distinguishes it, and a large part of the load which arises from it rests on the shoulders of Chastain like Annabel. By swapping her red hair for black hair and dressing in dark clothes, Chastain captures Annabel's fear of motherhood and a serene life, which she considers a more concrete threat than any other. spectral creature.

The film does not judge him for it either. One day she lives a nice life in town in a cramped but funky apartment. The next day, she is taken to the suburbs to create a stable and stimulating environment for the courts to let her niece be guarded. And girls do not do picnics either. Victoria lives all her life in the air and Lily (Isabelle Nélisse) holds fast to the ways she learned in the forest, grunting rather than talking and sleeping on the floor under her sister's bed. Even without a malevolent spirit harassing them, Annabel has her hands full, and her distress and frustration give the title of film an extra layer of meaning.

Although Mum is a film much smaller than This chapter twoChastain and Muschietti both enjoy tension. Where sometimes he monster feels too computer generated to be threatening, MumThe effects of music are based on their digital origins to create a disturbing monster in a memorable way – a sympathetic sometimes strangely friendly. Chastain has room to create a fully developed character whose journey takes him into unexpected emotional places. Muschietti discovers a dark fairy tale tone and stands there from beginning to end. (It's not a coincidence that the film begins with the words "Once upon a time …") This is such an impressive, confident and content film that it would be a pity Muschietti to be lost forever in the world of music. blockbusters. Let's hope that, like del Toro, he will be able to find his way to make smaller scale films between gigantic projects.

This is for whom

Who loves he and his sequel will probably enjoy that too. And the crowd that avoids PG-13 horror movies should watch this one. It's just as violent as it should be, and Muschietti understands that phantasmagoria sometimes works better than jolts.

Where to see it

Mum is available for purchase on all major streaming services.


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