The Indian offensive has officially reached a low point


This is the second consecutive night that the recap will consist mainly of evaluating a pitcher that was not exactly extinct. Only in the case of tonight's launcher aspect is more fun because, although Jefry Rodriguez was not absent, he made a lot of turns and missed turns, but he did more than what was necessary to keep the Indians at stake. The offense was another story.

Normally, when a guy can hit 97 on the radar gun, you want more than eight puffs on 91 lands; more than three crossed out, maybe. But Rodriguez managed to get two earned strokes in the 5.2-run range – a solid first for a guy who will likely be relegated to market rank later. As a devil corrector arm, I could add. Just look at this artwork that needs to be amplified in a work sleeve, instead of being stretched over six or seven innings.

Most of the jumps and mistakes that Rodriguez has made occurred during changes, with a fastball high of 96 miles per hour. Jorge Solar was the only exception. For the most part, the 25-year-old kept Kansas City on guard with a good mix of quick changes and fast balls around the knees that generated a few gusts of wind from Kaufmann Stadium. Again, it would be nice to see him miss out on sticks more often in the future, but the start of the season was solid. If only the offense could have followed.

The putrid and really inferior display of the offensive against Homer Bailey should leave a bitter taste in everyone's mouth. Injuries or not, that's the kind of show that should give rise to in camera meetings, maybe a little screaming. Someone throws a cooler, shit. Just show that any of you can be bothered to try to help his pitchers. Someone, besides Brad Miller, makes contact with the petrified remains of Homer Bailey for the sake of everything.

Indian strikers put only 16 balls in play against Bailey, while 21 hitters miss, knocking and missing 11 times. None of these balls in play were touched at more than 95 miles per hour. Max Moroff has scored one in three goals with three strikeouts and does not even look like a major baseball player at the moment. Just what in the world.

Whatever it is, Cody Anderson made his debut in 2018 and threw a bunch of sliders and found himself sweating. Nice story after the hard work he did to come back from Tommy John's operation three years ago. He even managed to get out of trouble after calming down and locked up. It's a shame that all his teammates with bats in their hands fell asleep the same evening.


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