The investigation of impeachment accelerates while the court of law adopts procedural guidelines


WASHINGTON – The Judiciary Committee of the House took a big step Thursday morning in its investigation to recommend or not the filing of depositions against President Donald Trump, by adopting a resolution setting out procedures and rules for future hearings. 'impudment.

The resolution was passed along the party lines, 24-17.

"Some call this process an imputation survey.Some call an imputation survey.There is no legal difference between these terms, and I no longer want to discuss the nomenclature", said Jerry Nadler, chair of the Judiciary Committee of the House, DN.Y. in his opening statement Thursday.

"But let me dispel any doubts that remain: conduct under investigation is a threat to our democracy, we have an obligation to respond to this threat, and we are doing it."

Earlier this week, Nadler told NBC News that the purpose of the resolution was to implement "certain procedures to make this investigation more effective", a necessary step as "the investigation becomes more serious".

Under the resolution, which does not need to be approved by the House as a whole, Nadler can designate hearings organized by the Committee of the Whole and its subcommittees as part of the Dismissal investigation. Committee counsel may also interview witnesses for an additional hour beyond the five minutes allocated to each member of Congress.

In addition, the president's lawyers will not be able to respond in writing to the testimony and testimony presented to the committee, and the evidence may be received in camera.

The Republican Representative on the Judiciary Committee, Representative Doug Collins, R-Ga., Attacked the resolution, insisting that it did not allow Nadler to do anything for which he was not already empowered.

"The Judiciary Committee has become a giant Instagram filter", suggesting that something bigger than what is happening has happened, Collins said.

The first hearing scheduled by the Judiciary Committee in which the proceedings will be in effect is scheduled for September 17, when the former Trump campaign leader, Corey Lewandowski, is expected to testify. The committee also summoned Rick Dearborn, former Chief of Staff for Policy at the White House, and Rob Porter, former Secretary of Staff of the White House, to testify on that day. The White House had previously prevented key witnesses from appearing before Congress.

Although the Democrats did not set a deadline for the recommendation of impeachment articles, staff members suggested a timetable for the pre-election year.

"I think it's fair to say that's the goal by the end of the year, but it's not a difficult and fast deadline. That's our goal, "said the assistant.

Nadler himself was less accurate on a possible schedule, telling NBC News this week: "I do not know. I would like to do it fast enough. "

President Donald Trump speaks at the White House on September 11, 2019.Alex Wong / Getty Images

While the committee meeting was underway, Trump tweeted"We can not beat him, so let us charge him!", Quote that he attributed to Rep. Al Green, D-Texas, one of the first and most fervent supporters of the impeachment. We do not know if Green has already said that; in May, he told MSNBC: "I'm afraid if we do not stop the president, he will be re-elected."

In response to Trump, Green tweeted: "Because no one is above the law, we must charge, and if the Senate is not found guilty, we will defeat. @realDonaldTrump You will not have a second term! "

Lawmakers were very confused as to the state of progress of the investigation. Nadler said before the six-week congressional summer break that the panel was already conducting an imputation investigation. Other lawmakers said it was unclear.

Nadler reiterated Thursday that legally there was no difference between an impeachment investigation and an impeachment investigation and said that starting next week, the committee would begin a series of meetings. Aggressive audiences.

However, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, did not give in to her public position to avoid evading a real indictment.

"The public is not in jail," she told the House of Democrats during a conference call at the end of August – although she did not close the door on the possibility of 'go forward.

Asked Monday if she was in agreement with Nadler's statement that an impeachment procedure was already underway, she avoided answering directly. "I really do not know what the president said. I know we have conducted an investigation and this includes the possibility [of] legislation or impeachment, "she told reporters.

Pelosi also said that she had approved Nadler 's decision to hold the vote on the resolution Thursday aimed at establishing the committee' s investigation impeachment procedures.

"We conducted an impeachment investigation in the sense that we investigated whether or not the Judiciary Committee will recommend removal articles to the Plenary Chamber," Rep. Pramila Jayapal, D-Wash., Member of the Judiciary Committee, told reporters this week. "This allows us to formalize this and also allows us to use slightly different procedures that will be helpful to us during an investigation because the five minutes that are elapsing are very difficult."

The Progressive Caucus of Congress, of which Jayapal is one of the co-chairs, officially took a stance Tuesday in favor of a dismissal investigation.

More than half of the members of the House Democratic caucus – 134 out of 235 – have publicly supported an impeachment investigation, including 17 of the 24 Democrats sitting on the Judiciary Committee.

The impeachment was a major issue in congressional plenary sessions during the August plenary session, as a significant number of members of the House, particularly first-year members, continued to address the problem.

Republicans continued to assert that Democrats should proceed to an official vote to open any type of investigation.

"The House of Representatives has not initiated a formal impeachment procedure, as the Democratic leaders of the House consistently note. Formal impeachment proceedings have always been authorized by a vote of the entire House, which President Pelosi has been careful not to allow, "said the supreme Republican on the Judiciary Committee of the House on Wednesday. Representative Doug Collins, R-Ga. The action scheduled Thursday the commission "an insignificant reiteration of existing commission authorities, allowing the president to keep this story topical when moderate Democrats simply want it to disappear".


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