The Jeremy Kyle show is canceled "for good", says ITV


Jenny Cummins, head of ITV's press, told CNN on Wednesday that the show would be canceled "for good" and ITV CEO Carolyn McCall issued a new statement as the program gets off the ground. continues.

"Given the seriousness of recent events, we decided to stop production of The Jeremy Kyle Show," McCall said.

"The Jeremy Kyle Show has a loyal audience and was created by a dedicated production team for 14 years, but now is the time to end the show."

The British show Jeremy Kyle removed from the show after the death of his guest

Recorded in front of a studio audience, the program is known for its fierce confrontations and Kyle's combative behavior with his guests. A short-lived US version was also launched in 2011.

The show often featured conflicting couples or friends accused of treason, with participants sometimes agreeing to take polygraph tests to resolve their differences.

The results would be revealed to a public in the studio, with sometimes violent consequences.

The deceased participant, identified as Steve Dymond, died a week after his appearance in the series, said ITV, but no cause of death has been confirmed.

"Everyone at ITV shares his thoughts and sympathy with Steve Dymond's family and friends," the statement said.

ITV had previously announced that she would not watch the episode in which Dymond appeared.

The broadcaster said he would continue to work with Jeremy Kyle on other projects.


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