The Jonas Brothers visit Kel Mitchell at the Good Burger on the occasion of the awakening of All This.


the Jonas Brothers and Kel Mitchell in his Good Burger uniform

The JoBros are reminiscing your memories of the 90s with Kel Mitchell on the set of Good Burger


The Jonas Brothers are ready to invade your childhood memories, alongside Kel Mitchell at Good Burger for the creation of All that, a reboot of the 90s comedy show on Nickelodeon. Good Burger, once so popular for producing a fairly successful feature film in 1997, is a sketch that many millennia remember as funny. Kel Mitchell is now wearing the Good Burger uniform on Nickelodeon again. Now with All that Actor of the rebirth of 2019 and the SNL and All that alumain Kenan Thompson at the helm as executive producer, Good Burger will make his triumphal return in the chain. And if the clip broadcast before the first of Saturday is an indication, everything indicates that you remember, silly jokes and all the rest. * Except that the Jonas Brothers are here! Where were they always The?

Luckily (?), The reboot also pulled out the old cast members, Josh Server and Lori Beth Denberg, from your childhood memories. The server may be better remembers his character "Earboy", a high school student seeking to become popular despite his hilarious ears, and Denberg for his portrayal of a noisy librarian named Ms. Hushbaum and as anchor for "Vital Information". All that child-friendly response in SNL's Weekend Update. I have to admit that it's a little surreal to see these cast members come back on stage as time-ravaged adults, especially after being suspended as teenagers in my memory for almost 25 years. This really makes you think of the brief nature of life and the ruthless rhythm of time. Let's hope the reboot brings another character from Kel, Coach Kreeton, back to the aging public.

In any case, the restart of All that will be presented on Saturday, June 15th in world premiere and will feature the Jonas Brothers who will perform their new single, "Sucker". Hopefully, the series will remain etched in the memories of his public until adulthood.

Fixed: an earlier version of this incorrect post All thatThe first date of. We are Saturday, June 15 and not Friday, June 14.


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