The judge announces a quick decision in Trump's lawsuit over Cummings' summons


A federal judge told lawyers Tuesday for President TrumpDonald John TrumpLawsuit alleges that the Trump campaign paid women less than men Graham encourages Donald Trump Jr. to plead the 5th Crunch for Senate discussions on disaster relief PLUS and Democrats of the House Watch and Reform Committee until the end of the week to present their final arguments on whether the court should maintain a subpoena requesting Trump's private financial records.

District Judge Amit Mehta at the first court hearing on the subpoena issued by the panel chair Elijah CummingsElijah Eugene CummingsTrump Protest Lawyers Oppose Judge's Efforts to Accelerate Subpoena Proceedings Before Congress Retired Justice Stevens: Trump "Exercises Powers That Do Not Really Belong" House Dems alleges that action in subpoena against Trump blocks "legitimate" congressional investigations PLUS (D-Md.) For the records of the Mazars accounting firm, said that he considered the case as "completely exhausted" after hearing the arguments of the lawyers on both sides.

And he promised to make a quick decision on this.

Counsel for Trump and his companies argued that the House Committee was not empowered to issue the subpoena, calling the request for "law enforcement" documents and going beyond the authorities of Canada. Congress.

Trump's lawyer, William Consovoy, said that an investigation into the president for potential wrongdoing was outside the constitutional boundaries of Congress, reiterating an argument that all congressional investigations should be tied to the legislation.

But Mehta repressed some of Consovoy's remarks by citing investigations like Watergate's that were not tied to specific bills.

"You mean that because he's the president of the United States, Congress would have no power to investigate?" Said Mehta, referring to Trump.

The judge also emphasized Douglas Letter, Advocate General of the House of Representatives, on the scope of the investigation by the Supervisory Committee.

Trump's lawyers argued that the subpoena was part of a fishing expedition led by Democrats to find damaging information about the president before the 2020 elections.

Mehta told Letter that it "bothered" him not to have made a statement from the committee about the exact scope of the investigation, unlike other panels in the past.

"This really opens the door, it seems to me, to the prosecution … that it actually acts of an effort not to harass the president, but to to meddle in his private affairs for political purposes, "said the judge.

The letter referred to Cummings' subpoena communications that cited the testimony of a former Trump lawyer. Michael CohenMichael Dean Cohen Graham encourages Donald Trump Jr. to plead the 5th Feds asking the judge to postpone the conviction of former Trump Rand campaign assistant Paul: Trump Jr. the subpoena of a "real spoof" of justice " alleging that Trump has inflated his personal wealth for years. Cummings stated that the subpoena had been issued to determine if this was the case.

Mehta asked Letter how the subpoena, which required financial documents prior to Trump's mandate, could be considered a valid use of the investigative powers of Congress.

Letter responded that Trump continued to benefit from his private businesses while he was in office. And he said the archives could reveal that another party, such as a foreign government, would have known of the President's wrongdoing that could be used as a means of pressure against him.

In a notable exchange, Mehta asked the House lawyer if there was anything about the chair that the committee could not summon.

In that letter, he referred to a number of hypothetical subpoenas that, in his opinion, may not be available in court, such as asking the President to have the blood analyzed, or his diary since the age of 7. years.

"That would probably move my arguments to the breaking point," Letter added.

It also defeated an alleged MOU between the House's oversight, intelligence and financial services committees for the sharing of documents obtained through subpoenas that were referenced in Trump's lawyers' documents. , asserting that there were no such documents.

But he did say that there was an agreement between the oversight committees and financial services regarding a separate document request and that legislators did not want to make it public.

Mehta has ordered that the document be returned to him by Thursday so that he can decide to share it with Trump's legal team.

Consovoy indicated during the court proceedings that Rep. Jim JordanJames (Jim) Daniel Jordan Live presentation: House panel goes ahead with a vote for outrage Barr's voice Increase debt threat Trump and Dem are hoping about the infrastructure The Hill & # 39; s Morning (R-Ohio), the senior member of the Oversight Committee, also had a copy of the document. The lawyer said Trump's legal team would ask Jordan to hand them over to them.

Mehta did not say how he intended to govern, but he said he did not intend to issue an order that would override the constitutional authorities of Congress, including its investigative capacity.

"I can not imagine that I'm supposed to write an opinion – if it ends up in your favor – that knocks down constitutionality," the way Congress can investigate, Mehta told Consovoy.

A lawyer from Mazars was present at the hearing, but he did not just go to court. The accounting firm indicated that it did not intend to participate fully in the trial, finding that the dispute was between the president and the Congress.

Trump's lawsuit to block the summons to appear before Congress is one of the complaints filed by Trump's lawyers in federal court. The president promised to fight "all the subpoenas" issued by House Democrats as part of their extensive research on Trump, his businesses and his family.

His lawyers argue in the Southern District of New York that congressional summonses issued at Capital One and Deutsche Bank by the Speaker of the House of Representatives Intelligence Committee Adam SchiffAdam Bennett SchiffDems warns of a "constitutional crisis" but does not fear dismissal Schiff: "We must defeat Trump" in 2020 Schiff rejects Trump's threat to open an investigation on Biden PLUS (D-Calif.) And Chair of the Financial Services Committee Maxine WatersMaxine Moore Waters – Justice withdrawn Stevens: Trump "exercises powers that do not really belong to him", according to the Chamber of Defenders of the Rights of the Defense, a trial in Trump's summons blocks the "legitimate" proceedings in Congress A judge decides to quickly rule on congressional assignments MORE … (D-Calif.) Are likewise too common.

Trump, his family and his private companies are involved in this lawsuit. A judge must hear the arguments in this case next Wednesday.


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