The judge orders Roger Stone to explain the imminent publication of a book that could violate a gag order


Republican Roger Stone and his long-time friend, Roger Stone, faced new legal troubles Friday after a federal judge ordered his lawyers to explain why they had not informed of the imminent publication of a book likely to violate its gag decision by potentially criticizing the judge or prosecutors. with special advocate Robert S. Mueller III.

The decision of US District Judge Amy Berman Jackson of the District of Columbia arrived Friday night just eight days after Jackson prevented Stone from speaking publicly about his case. This photo was inspired by a photo posted on Stone's Instagram account that placed a crosshair on a photo of Jackson's head.

Stone apologizes for abusing the court's trust and asking for a second chance. Jackson said by imposing the gag order on February 21 that it would be "reckless" to wait until he transgressed again, that she had "serious doubts as to find out if you have learned a lesson, "and warned her that she would order him to imprison him. for future violations.

Stone, 66, is accused of lying in Congress and preventing justice from concealing his efforts to gather information about pirated emails from the Democratic Party during the 2016 campaign.

He pleaded not guilty. Prosecutors at Mueller and the US District Attorney's Office have separately said Friday that they expect the trial to last at least five to eight days.

In the new controversy, Jackson, in a brief order posted on the court's electronic record after office hours on Friday, said that she was allowing Stone's defense team to file a sealed application to apparently to clarify the court's gag order and an unspecified attachment. a clerk makes Stone's application public.

But Jackson also ordered Stone's lawyers to explain on Monday why they were waiting until now to make the request to disclose the "imminent general report."[e]ase "of a book, which said Jackson" was known to the accused. "

According to Stone's lawyers, Stone's lawyers could have informed the court of the unidentified book at a filing in February or at the February 21 hearing. She would have asked her if she should impose a gag order to limit harmful prejudicial advertising and secure Stone's right to a fair trial.

This was particularly the case, she noted, as prosecutors clarified their request for an order under which Stone "should not talk about this Court." He should not talk about the special prosecutor, "Jackson said.

US Attorney General Jonathan Kravis also said at the hearing that an order should state: "This court should not be criticized by Mr. Stone. The government should not be attacked by Mr. Stone. The integrity of this case should not be questioned by Mr. Stone, "noted Jackson.

Stone's lawyer, Bruce S. Rogow, did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

In apologizing for his previous post, Stone said that he did not want to pose a threat and that he "had no malicious intent," and added, "It was inappropriate for me to criticize, I recognize it. "

The Instagram post solicited donations for Stone's legal defense fund and said he was facing a "mock trial" in Jackson's courthouse after he was charged with the Special Council's investigation into the matter. Russia's interference in the elections of 2016. The post was referring to the special advocate as being "the deaf-killer of the deep state, Mueller" and the hashtag "#fixisin".

Prosecutors said Stone's post and subsequent public comment threatened to corrupt the pool of potential jurors.

Under the Gag order, Stone can continue to raise funds for his defense and express himself on other topics.

Stone was released with an unsecured personal commitment and allowed to travel between South Florida, Washington, and New York. He had previously been allowed to discuss the case publicly, but not in the immediate vicinity of the federal courthouse.

He was charged in January with obstructing the prosecution, misleading and falsifying of witnesses in order, according to the prosecutors, to conceal repeated attempts to obtain information about plans to release pirated Democrat emails. In itself, these actions may not constitute a crime, but the authorities claim that Stone lied to Congress when he was questioned about them.

US officials said that the stolen emails were hacked by Russian intelligence agents and then shared with other people, including the global anti-secret group WikiLeaks, whose founder, Julian Assange, had made them public.

According to the indictment, Stone contacted the group through an intermediary for information on pirated emails under the direction of a senior campaign manager Trump unidentified. He allegedly lied to congressional investigators and encouraged another to do the same, according to court records.


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