The juror in Karina Vetrano's murder trial says that he felt compelled to condemn


One of the jurors who contributed to Chanel Lewis' conviction for the murder of the Queen's jog, Karina Vetrano, said Monday night that he was not sure the man was guilty and felt compelled to condemn.

"He seems to be such a good kid. Did he really do that? ", Said the juror, a white man in his thirties, in court Monday night, about Lewis.

"I did not stop thinking," How tall is Karina? How big is Chanel? She looked very beautiful.

Lewis attacked and killed Vetrano at Spring Creek Park before throwing his body on a desolate expanse of territory in August 2016.

The juror was one of 12 people who declared Lewis guilty on Monday night.

He did not specify how he had been pressured to make a verdict of guilt.

Although the juror expressed doubts that Lewis, 22, committed the sadistic crime, he was satisfied with the result.

"I feel justice has been done," he said. "For both sides of the family, it's a terrible situation."

It took the jurors five hours to convict Lewis. He will be sentenced on April 17 and risk life imprisonment.


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