The latest ad from Apple is talking about encryption in iMessage because "your privacy counts" [VIDEO]


Iphone Ads Privacy

Apple today released a new ad called "Inside Joke". The ad explains how your privacy is protected in iMessage because all cats are encrypted:

Your privacy is important. That's why iMessage encrypts your conversations. Privacy. It's the iPhone.

The link in the description of the video points to Apple's privacy website, which states "Products are designed to protect your privacy":

At Apple, we believe that privacy is a fundamental human right.

And much of your personal information (information that you have the right to keep confidential) is stored on your Apple devices.

Your heart rate after a race. Which news did you read first? Where you bought your last coffee. Which websites you visit. Who you call, send an email or message.

Every Apple product is designed from the ground up to protect that information. And to allow you to choose what you share and with whom.

We have proven time and again that great experiences do not have to be at the expense of your privacy and security. Instead, they can support them.

Check out the ad below:


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