The latest feature of Facebook could arrive too late – TechCrunch


Hello subscribers. This is the week in review, where I give a lot of analysis and / or rambling reflections on a story, while browsing the rest of the hundreds of stories that have been published on TechCrunch this week for present my favorites for your reading pleasure.

Last week, I talked about Apple's apology.

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The big story

Despite all that Facebook is experimenting and exploring recently, the launch of Facebook Dating is a feature that is part of its DNA. Facebook has already piloted relationship statuses and added another step to the dating process. They are now trying to allow these relationships in the first place.

The biggest threat to the Facebook meeting (launched this week in the US) is that people do not use Facebook in the same way they did ten or fifteen years ago. Facebook could very well have missed the boat.

People complained when Messenger was separated from the basic Facebook app, but as it became more focused on media consumption, actions such as visiting your friends' profile became more focused on navigation than on interactions. Facebook was once the ideal space for an application of this type, but it may be a little less natural than a home compared to applications like Messenger, where most communications take place.

Facebook is not just new habits to take. The company has not paved the way here, it has quite a mess of rival applications to contend with, although it's interesting to note that there are only two competing conglomerates to neutralize, considering the consolidation enough extreme of the dating apps scene.

Match Group-aligned entrepreneurs seem to see Facebook trying to come up with a universal solution for a sector that has needed multiple niche platforms. So the question is what Facebook audience can find and how they are trying to follow different modes to appeal to what other applications have already shone on the market.

The most obvious advantage of Facebook is that it already has a directory of most people you know and that it can exploit this network for features such as its "secret" feature that allows you to list friends who interest you and create connection if any of these Facebook friends feel the same.

We'll see soon if the Facebook piece comes too late or arrives on time.

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For the rest of the news of the week.

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Trends of the week

Here are some big news articles from big companies, with green links to all sweet, sugary contexts:

  • The Samsung Galaxy Fold aims for a triumphant restart
    Samsung's biggest fiasco since Note 7 is ready for another test. The company announced this week that it is ready to revive its folding phone to $ 2,000 in Korea and planned to release the US version in the coming weeks. Read more here.
  • Facebook is looking to delete as accounts
    User-visible metrics have transformed the world of social media, but one wonders whether it's healthy to always judge what you share about yourself based on preferences and sharing. Facebook is experimenting a bit by taking like message accounts. Read more here.

 OnLeaks Digit iPhone rumor

What to expect during the iPhone 9/10 event

  • Apple is launching its latest iPhone models this week and we have pretty decent ideas on what we are going to see. This is the third year of the iPhone X cycle, so we do not expect a complete redesign, but a few iterative updates, most of which should appear in a redesigned camera. Check out my colleague Brian Heater's story to find out what he's expecting at the event.

Facebook instagram WhatsApp glitch down


How did big tech companies fail this week? This clearly requires its own section, in order of severity:

  1. Hundreds of millions of Facebook phone numbers have been removed:
    [A huge database of Facebook users’ phone numbers found online]
  2. YouTube is fined less than expected:
    [FTC fines YouTube $170M over COPPA violations]
  3. Amazon Ring is warming up:
    [US Senator demands answers from Amazon Ring over its police partnerships]
  4. More antitrust news on Facebook:
    [New York AG will lead antitrust investigation into Facebook]

Extra Crunch

Our premium subscription service had another week of interesting deep dives. We have published a roadmap for entrepreneurs looking to make the most of the data they have.

"… There are good and bad ways for startups to use the data. In my opinion, unfortunately, the wrong way is often preached on the saas blogs, the marketing pages of the a / b test tools, and especially the hacker conferences about growth: by simply measuring and looking at the data, you will find simple ways that will lead to explosive growth. Silver balls, if you want.

The right way is comparable to the thought of first principles. Under the surface of your day-to-day results, your startup can be described by a set of numbers. It takes a bit of work to figure out these numbers, but once you get them, you can use them to make predictions and identify the underlying trends. If everyone in your company knows these numbers by heart, they will inevitably make better decisions … "

(Photo by Steve Jennings / Getty Images for TechCrunch)

Disturb SF

Our biggest event of the year is fast approaching and we are bringing together some of the most important personalities in the technology sector. Here's who comes for Disrupt SF 2019.

In addition to attending the formidable range of speakers, you can stroll through Startup Alley to catch the more than 1,000 companies showcasing their products and technologies. And of course, the Startup Battlefield contest, which launched Dropbox, Cloudflare and Mint, will again be one of the highlights of Disrupt SF.

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