The latest UK list of the most hacked passwords is as bad as you think – TechCrunch


Names, football players, musicians and fictional characters are among the worst passwords of the year, according to the UK Government's National Cybersecurity Center.

But nothing beats "123456" as the worst password of all.

This is not a shock for an experienced security professional. For years, the six-digit password is the worst of all, given its wide use. Behind the worst password are – surprise, surprise – "123456789".

The NCSC said more than 30 million victims only used these two passwords, according to its latest crime analysis based on data from Pwned Passwords, a website maintained by the security researcher. Troy Hunt, who also runs an offense report entitled Have I Was Evergreen.

"We understand that cyber security may seem daunting to many people, but the NCSC has published many easy-to-apply tips to make you much less vulnerable," said NCSC Technical Director Ian Levy. "The reuse of passwords is a major risk that can be avoided – no one should protect sensitive data with something that can be guessed, such as their first name, their local football team or their favorite group."

Weak passwords are a problem. Not only can they be easily guessed by bots trying to break into your account, but they can also be easily hacked if they are stolen from the company during a data breach. Weak passwords are often the default identifiers for Internet of Things devices, allowing zombie networks to safely enter the smart devices and divert them to harmful purposes.

What can you do there?

TechCrunch offers several free security guides that you can consult to get you on the right track. Setting up with a password manager is the first big step. Password managers generate and securely store your passwords so you do not have to remember them. Next, you need to set up a two-factor authentication because adding an extra barrier over your password makes it even more difficult for the most determined malicious hacker to access your accounts.

It does not take long to be safe. Take an hour of your day and start.


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