The leaders of 180 companies, including Twitter and H & M, letter to the pen against the national laws on abortion


Leaders of 180 companies signed a one-page ad in The New York Times published Monday, claiming that recent restrictive abortion laws passed in states like Georgia, Alabama and Missouri were "bad for business".

The list of CEOs includes Jack Dorsey from Twitter (although, after his name, he lists his other company, Payment Processor, Square), as well as the Postmates, Slack, Yelp, H & M and Tinder leaders, as well as a few fashion leaders. Ben and Jerry's designers and Ben & Jerry's ice cream.

The letter states that it is "time for companies to advocate for reproductive health care" and that the abortion limitation is "bad for business" although it does not make no real connection between the possibility of abortion and the trading climate of a particular state. Instead, they argue that restricting "freedom of reproduction" goes "against our values".

States threatening abortion, say CEOs, threaten "the health, independence and economic stability of our employees and customers."

"Equality in the workplace is one of the most important problems of our time in the business world," he adds. "When everyone has the power to succeed, our businesses, communities and economy are better off."

"Staying limited," he continues, "to comprehensive reproductive care, including abortion, threatens the health, independence, and economic stability of our employees and our customers. In simple terms, it goes against our values ​​and is bad for business. "

The ACLU and Planned Parenthood have brought the CEOs together for advertising and produced the content – but regardless of whether the companies, led by their own signatories, actually do business or where they operate.

For starters, the statement made – that without abortion, companies will find the health, independence, and economic stability of their employees threatened – seems to imply that work-life balance is being exceeded, and that CEOs and their respective companies do not value the idea of ​​employees with families. The only way to restrict the practice of abortion ultimately affects the financial results of these CEOs, if they are to pay benefits to employees who choose to have their children rather than kill their children.

It is financially practical, but goes against the demand of modern feminism that companies must be conscious and respectful of their employees' choices, regardless of cost.

In a statement accompanying this announcement, NARAL President Ilyse Hogue congratulated CEOs for "taking a stand on behalf of employees", but seemed to forget that employees had priorities other than the availability of cruel practice of "health care".

"NARAL congratulates the business leaders who signed the #DontBanEquality letter for taking a stand on behalf of their employees, their customers and their communities, and affirmed the general vision that women deserve to make decisions medical personal and personal without intervention on the part of politicians "statement read.

There is also the more practical consideration of the business climate. Although states such as Georgia restrict abortions, they also provide significant credits to companies that relocate to their state, making Georgia attractive despite its abortion laws. While a handful of companies said they were withdrawing from Georgia by law, most of them made business decisions based on the following: business.

If abortion was the only factor by which a company determined where to locate, Twitter and Postmates would be interested in Illinois – the state that owns the abortion laws the more permissive of the country. But they do not relocate because Illinois also has the most regressive taxation system.

Many of these companies also seem to ignore the fact that they do much of their business in countries where social control is much heavier than it is in the United States, such as China.


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