The Legend of Zelda: The Wild Breath Update seems to have improved loading times



Earlier this week, Nintendo released a new update for The legend of Zelda: the breath of nature. In addition to making the game compatible with the VR Labo glasses, version 1.6.0 corrected "some other problems" to improve the overall experience.

It turns out that the loading times in the Switch version are now almost identical to those of the game on the Wii U. Shrines, for example, take five seconds less to load. Alexis de Champris sent a comparison video before and after YouTuber and the speedrunner on Twitter to emphasize that. See yourself below:

Even though the tests were done with a physical copy of the game, the speedrunner is convinced that the load times of Switch and Wii U are "almost" equal. A fellow speedrunner confirmed these claims, explaining that there was "significantly less lag in the world" when using special problems and game exploits.

Loading times in Super Mario Odyssey would also have been accelerated after its recent update.

Have you noticed an improvement in loading in Wild Breath? How about Odyssey? Tell us in the comments.


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