The levels of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate EventHubs have been reset


Huge changes for some characters probably mean a lot of reworking of the list of thirds

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate received a particularly interesting update on Thursday night, introducing not only a brand new virtual reality mode, but also upsetting the attacks and the overall balance of a good handful of game characters.

Given all the potential brewing that this patch brings, we decided to reset our EventHubs for Ultimate levels page. With clean slate, we need you to vote for your favorite fighters to be honest.

We will have a more precise idea of ​​the harshness of these changes once the community has enough time to explore, but looking only at the paper notes, we already suspect a rather radical movement on the part of some members of the community. alignment.

Ken, Ryu, Captain Falcon, Diddy Kong, Lucario, Bayonetta, Captain Falcon, Bowser Jr. and Rosalina / Luma are among those who have a longer list of enhancers. It remains to be seen if these improvements will be effective, but they are characters like those you want to monitor.

Conversely, fighters like Pichu, Olimar, Peach and Wolf all had a lot of fun with the nerve bat. Let's hope that they will stop frustrating their opponents as much, but do not fall so far that they become competitive.

We're only a few hours away from the most recent update and we're already seeing Little Mac climb the ladder from where he was before. We took a few screenshots of the general list of levels and the match table just before the reset so we can see how things are changing:

Super Smash Ultimate Levels as of March 31, 2019 image # 1

Super Smash Ultimate Levels as of March 31, 2019 image # 2

Click on the images for larger versions


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