The lineup of superheroes and villains revealed for 5-part event – Deadline


The CW will host back Flash for Season 8 with the special five-part event, “Armageddon”.

Scheduled to begin on November 16 at 8 p.m. ET, “Armageddon” will feature numerous guest appearances from some of the CW’s most notable heroes and villains. Ready to join Flash The team is made up of Javicia Leslie as Batwoman, Brandon Routh as The Atom, Cress Williams as Black Lightning, Chyler Leigh as Sentinel, Kat McNamara as Mia Queen and Osric Chau as Ryan Choi. Tom Cavanagh and Neal McDonough will return as enemies Eobard Thawne / Reverse Flash and Damien Darhk respectively.

In “Armageddon”, a powerful alien threat arrives on Earth under mysterious circumstances and Barry (Grant Gustin), Iris (Candice Patton) and the rest of Team Flash are pushed to their limits in a desperate battle to save the world. But with the passing of time and the fate of humanity at stake, Flash and his companions will also have to call on old friends for the forces of good to prevail.

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All of the information on “Armageddon” is verified with what CW CEO Mark Pedowitz previously teased about the show’s launch. During a press call on the fall 2021 schedule, Pedowitz noted that the first five episodes of Flash Season 8 “will feature different heroes from the CW verse. “

“The idea for The Flash is, [showrunner] Eric Wallace and [executive producer] Gregory [Berlanti] got together and talk about other superheroes from the CW verse who will come together in each individual episode, ”he said. “It won’t be quite a crossover but will have a crossover type feel and the introduction of all these characters.”

Wednesday, Flash executive producer Eric Wallace added the following:

“Put simply, these are going to be some of the most moving Sparkle episodes ever. Plus, there are some truly epic moments and huge surprises awaiting our fans. And we’re doing them on a scale that’s bigger and bolder than our traditional Sparkle episodes. So yes, “Armageddon” is more than just a graphic novel script. It will be a real event for Sparkle and Arrowverse fans, old and new. Honestly, I can’t wait for the public to see what we’ve got planned.


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