The loss of Galaxy Fold could help other foldable phones to succeed


After a series of five reports from broken Galaxy Fold review units and an official $ 2,000 collapsible phone delay from Samsung, Samsung is in trouble. But for rivals like Huawei Foldable matte X the rumor Razr flip phone and everything elseSamsung's pains could be an opportunity.

The world is watching Samsung's every move, taking notes and developing its own plan, either to save money if buyers are cold, or to expand their brand as a "real" foldable success by avoiding the pitfalls of Galaxy. fold.

Samsung, Huawei and Motorola declined to comment, but Samsung said in a statement on Monday: "We appreciate the trust our customers place in us and they are always our top priority … We want to thank them for their patience and understanding. "

Samsung's decision to push back the fold after being as fast as the first to sell a high-profile foldable phone has already had a huge impact on the brand's reputation, overshadowing the other achievements of the fold on unaffected devices. The Galaxy Fold CNET examination unit has a small screen, but no major problem.

Although the blowback could have been much worse for Samsung – Folds with broken screens are not dangerous, unlike 2016 Galaxy Note 7 overheating – the first problems are questioning the ability of Samsung to innovate.

For example, the Galaxy S10 Phones like me (I particularly like the S10 Plus and the value for money S10E), but that's the Huawei P30 Pro and P30 who make the headlines for their fantastic low light photography and zoom performance. Despite serious political roadblocks, Huawei's determination to overtake Samsung as the world's leading handset maker from here 2020 has real energy behind it.

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Look at this:

Our Galaxy Fold has not broken. Here is what is good and …


Similarly, Huawei 's Foldable Mate X is looking for the Fold, promising 5G speeds and a radically different design that places the foldable display on the outside of the device rather than on the screen. inside, as it is the case for the Fold. And rumor has it that Motorola will launch a new foldable version of its Razr rocker phone with a vertical elbow. Both could take advantage of Samsung's failures with pointy messaging to enhance the robustness of their designs.

Lily: Another Galaxy Fold screen literally bites to dust

A doubt about the Galaxy Fold could help rivals

Samsung has promised to strengthen the screen to clarify its messages to buyers. Samsung said in a statement on Monday:

"We will take steps to strengthen screen protection, and we will also improve screen maintenance and usage guidelines, including the protective layer, so that our customers can make the most of their Galaxy Fold. "

If these assurances are not enough, it is quite possible that observers get angry about the Fold in particular and folding phones in general. Even in this case, rivals have the opportunity to change minds.

The Fold is an incredibly expensive device with a particular design and features. Positioned as a luxury electronics, it is not a mass sensation. At best, early users and developers will buy it as a status symbol or to test applications. For many, the Fold is a proof of concept that could lead them to consider the possibility of one day using their own foldable phone or confirming what they have always known to know, namely that "nobody" Needs a foldable phone. combined.

But if Huawei, with its $ 2,600 Mate X, or Motorola, with its rumored $ 1,500 retro flip phone, would enter the market later in the day, with perfectly functional displays and thoughtful designs, they could possibly launch and claim fame by establishing how a "good" foldable phone without problems could work.

Is it even possible that a foldable phone is without problems? From what I've seen after a week with the Galaxy Fold and after a few minutes with the Mate X and with TCL foldable concept mockups, no. At this early stage, it is important to see what sticks.

The best thing for all of us is that folding phones are a whole new thing, and that mistakes must inevitably be made when we collectively discover what works and what does not work. This reality no longer excuses the first problems of the Fold that it does not exonerate Huawei's inevitable flicker during the release of Mate X this summer.

Perhaps the biggest gift from Samsung to Huawei and Motorola (perhaps) and all other brands, from LG to Apple, is to position itself before consumers, while competitors write notes.

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Look at this:

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Three screen problems to solve, not a

Remember that three main screen problems have affected a handful of Fold reviewers.

  • Samsung's inability to communicate clearly that the reviewers were not to remove the protective layer from the Fold's plastic screen had resulted in an instant failure of the screen.
  • Debris that got stuck under the screen created a bulge and distortion.
  • The left half of the Fold screen of a review unit flashed for no apparent reason.

The Galaxy Fold wants to be a multitasking machine.

Sarah Tew / CNET

What can Samsung do to help?

The Fold's delay means different things to Samsung: viewers are wondering if the tech giant has neglected significant quality control in his haste to be the first to be foldable.

But here's another way to consider the report: Samsung takes the screen problems seriously. Backpedaling saves time to correct mistakes and apologize to customers in a meaningful way.

During this break, Samsung is working on new packages that clearly indicate which plastic films you should and should not remove. The company is also developing new ways to strengthen the screen. These things take a long time, and Samsung has only one chance to get compensation for damage control.

Galaxy Fold - Samsung email to pre-order customers

An email that Samsung sent Monday to me and other people who pre-ordered the Galaxy Fold.

Screenshot of Jessica Dolcourt / CNET

Samsung could also train support staff on new procedures to follow if customers call to complain about screen issues. I guess Samsung is creating a concierge track for Fold buyers that will get them in touch more quickly with help. After all, an investment of $ 2,000 equates, in the world of the telephone, to equal the status of airline or the possession of an elite car, stations offering advantages in terms of customer service.

In this collapsible phone race, winning does not necessarily mean crossing the finish line in front of everyone else. The win could go to the last mark.

Originally posted on April 23rd at 4am.
Updates, 8h: Reflects that Samsung declined to comment on this story; 8:49 am Pacific Time: Reflects that Huawei refused to comment. Updated at 4pm PT. Update April 24 at 8:25 PT.


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